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Dr. Rena Salyer

Dr. Rena Salyer is a practicing emergency medicine physician in Texas. She received a Doctorate of Osteopathy from the Chicago College of Osteopathic Medicine and is an Army veteran. With the obvious shortcomings of the approved CDC treatment regimens during the pandemic, she aligned with America’s Frontline Doctors and joined the Frontline CoVid Critical Care Alliance in providing early outpatient CoVid treatment. Having treated over 2000 CoVid patients at her emergency centers, Dr. Salyer has seen the many waves of the weaponized virus and the damage it has caused. She has been involved in the fight to bring forth the obvious corruption of the system by aiding Mark Kulacz of Housatonic ITS and joining with Dr. Kevin McCairn of Japan to examine the contents of the vaccines as well as preparing to show the dangers of these gene transfections in vitro utilizing a rat model in their upcoming research study. Dr. Salyer continues to care for patients daily regardless of vaccine status and fights to uphold the foundational tenants of medicine like informed consent and scientific honesty that have been tossed aside by so many.

Ground Zero: Aftermath

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