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Ron Patton | October 24, 2016




Whenever the topic of demons comes up, I often feel as if people do not know what they are dealing with. Most people have just a periphery of what demon signifies and how not all demons flee when confronted with what is called the “breaking glass” method of banishing, such as using a Bible, cross, or even calling upon the name of Christ to banish it.

I have studied demons and while I have said the whole Jesus banishment method is like a massive antibiotic against a lot of demons, there are only a few that even pay attention to this type ritual.

Destroying operatives of the left-hand path that respond to the name Jesus Christ are Abbadon, Asmodeus, Beelzebub, Azazel, Moloch, Belphegor Behemoth, Ornias, Shedim Seraphim and of course, Satan.

Most of the Chaldean demons bow to the Son of Man.

However, in the 5th century, the demons were then divided into 5 levels. There were demons that were so named for seven different planets; some for the elements of fire like the Djinn, water deities like Fontus, and of course, the lords and demons of the air like Baalhazor.

Then came the 6th level called, the Lucifugum or those who fly for the illuminated.

Many of these demons like Pazuzu, Abyzou, are conjured demons and are force multiplied to be used in spiritual warfare.

In the Grimorium Verum, and the Grand Grimiore are the three supreme powers of evil, Lucifer, Belzebuth,and Astaroth. There are many minions and demons of war that are unleashed by Magicians as well.

Azazel is probably the most know demon of war, there is the Armenian demon known as Tezrian, and the Demogorgon and agent of chaos and war.

The Demegorgon is a well known demon by those who played the game Dungeons and Dragons, or have read poems by Blake or Paradise Lost by Milton.

Demogorgon’s name was invoked by Faustus in Scene III of Christopher Marlowe’s Doctor Faustus when the Doctor summons Mephistopheles with a Latin incantation.

The sixteenth-century Dutch demonologist Johann Weyer described Demogorgon as the master of fate in hell’s hierarchy.

According to Ariosto’s Orlando Furioso, Demogorgon has a splendid temple palace in the Himalaya mountains where every five years the Fates and the Djinn are all summoned to appear before him and give an account of their actions. They travel through the air and some live between air earth and hell.

Demogorgon was called the Prince of Demons, and was worshipped as a god by the denizens of the abyss.

In the TV show, Stranger Things, the Demogorgon appears, however, not as it was originally described. In the TV show, he appears more like an H.P. Lovecraft character, slithering out of the “upside down.”

However, if you are not a Dungeons and Dragons player, or are not watching Stranger Things it becomes a satanic irony that the demon appears in the show as in our real world the indications of a spirit so vile has the earth in its grip, creating chaos and anxiety.

In Revelation 16:12, it reads:

And the SIXTH ANGEL poured out his BOWL upon the great river, the EUPHRATES; and its water was dried up, that the WAY might be prepared for the KINGS from the EAST.

Think of how this applies to today – the symbolic interpretation is that eastern religions and the demons of the 6th level Lucifugum will infiltrate Judeo-Christian strongholds. In the past, it was necessary to unleash demons to fight the infiltrating demons. In Exodus, we learned that when powerful demons from the east would attack the Hebrews, often they would readily turn to Baal even though they were commanded not to worship or use his services.

The Greek Demogorgon was a wild beast of a demon with two beastly heads that looked like baboons and talons. It would first be heard moaning and screaming under the Earth and then it would rise up out of the abyss as it was commanded or conjured as a weapon against the eastern Kings.

It was a metaphor for the ultimate fight, for the evil that could not be defined it was so powerful. It meant that unimaginable destruction and inevitable death was stalking you.

The Demogorgon was mentioned only as a mispronounced version of the demiurgeous or demiurge.

The demiurge is the term for the entity that created the physical universe. However, it is important to understand that this is not necessarily the same as the “creator” in the Christian sense of God.

In many ancient spiritual philosophies, god and the demiurge were not only separate entities, but the demiurge was considered evil. Because the physical world was a flawed and evil thing fashioned from raw chaos that held us like a prison and prevented us from touching God.

Also in Greek mythology, gorgons of course were the three sisters of whom Medusa was the most famous.

The Demogorgon itself has only been mentioned in passing in literature over the millennia. It makes an appearance in Voltaire, and another in Percy Shelley’s Prometheus Unbound. It’s used as metaphor in Moby Dick and also in Edmund Spenser’s, The Faerie Queene.

Spenser describes the Demogorgon like so:

“Downe in the bottome of the deepe Abysse
Where Demogorgon in dull darknesse pent,
Farre from the view of Gods and heavens blis,
The hideous Chaos keepes, their dreadfull dwelling is.”

John Milton’s mentions the Demogrogon in, Paradise Lost describing it not as one of the demons of hell, but as a creature of the realm of chaos that exists between hell and earth, that even Lucifer passes through quickly.

The Demogorgon is also considered an ultra-terrestrial that passes through heaven, Earth and hell.

Some believe that the “gorgon” like entities were capable of channeling energy and knowledge to humans in order to have them create implements of war.

A purely magical-mystical lodge was founded in 1840 in Munich by some German rich industrialists and well-situated citizens. This lodge existed until 1933. At all times only 99 persons of the male gender could belong to this esoteric working-group or secret lodge. This lodge basically never appeared in the open.

This lodge had nothing to do with regular Freemasonry. They didn’t have any actual degrees, ranks and levels of realization. The advancement to apprentice, journeyman and master was only of symbolic character.

All secrets were given during the initiation. The other “grades” were not ranks, but only temple-stones which were provided with a number and name. Their intention was demonological oriented i.e. they tried, in alliance with allegedly existing negative spiritual forces to obtain personal advantages, influence, power and money for their members. For this reason, they placed themselves under Mars-demon “Barzabel”, the old bull-god Astaroth, Belial and Asmodi as lodge-demons who took place number 100 in the lodge.

The roots of the “FOGC” don’t go back too far into the past and this lodge actually lacks any ritual or historic tradition. It has some “therionian”-traits. It also leans a little on the rituals of the “Golden Dawn”, provided by Aleister Crowley.

A man by the name of Franz Bardon tried to reveal through fiction that the FOGC had a powerful weapon they could use to kill people at a distance. It was called the Tepaphon or in English the Tepaphone. This invention was supposed to have been handed down to the lodge from the warlike demons to be used for protection.

It is supposedly the most powerful magical weapon ever created, a combination of weird science and black magic, capable of killing its target at any distance. A Tepaphone is a essentially magical death ray generator. This technology was allegedly handed over to the Nazis. Bardon, in fact, was briefly imprisoned by the Nazis for refusing to collaborate with their occult research.

Bardon wrote in his book, Fabrato, the following passage:

“One of the secrets of the F.O.G.C. Lodge members lay in their ability to put anyone to sleep, wake him up, make him sick or healthy, and invigorate or kill him whenever they liked. The leading members of the lodge, however, had only acquired this knowledge by entering into a pact with a prince of demons. With their magical methods, they were able to influence any untrained person, who had no way of discovering the source of the influences at work upon him.”

The Demogorgon was one of the many Princes in the demonic realm.

“It was the lodge’s most strictly guarded secret: a magical vibratory instrument which could emit fatal vibrations across any distance and constituted the deadliest weapon in the arsenal of the lodge. If the picture or effigy of any human being or animal were placed at the focal point of the tepaphone’s vibrations, both the astral and physical bodies of that entity would be affected. Substances of any kind could be destroyed by this instrument from any distance. Furthermore, it served as a wireless transmitter of energy – something modern science could only dream about. Any kind of thought could be transmitted by the tepaphone as well. Finally, the device made it possible to cause nervous diseases and poisonings which puzzled the medical establishment. Typically, a picture or personal object was sufficient to establish contact with the intended victim – and remember, distance was of no consequence.”

Raymond Holder, in his book The Anti-Christ Training Manual, describes a method in of building a Tepaphone that he claims is authentic. His description includes using ethyl alcohol as the fuel for a very powerful lamp that can be used on a victim.

Quite simply the Tepahone was a rudimentary radionic device. Perhaps it was the impetus for the HAARP project or other weapons used to control magnetic fields and control human minds.

But was it given to us by demons as a war tool?

Edward Bulwer-Lytton was a member of Aleister Crowley’s, Golden Dawn and wrote a book about the coming ultra terrestrials or gorgons called The Coming Race. . The book is about a civil engineer who finds a race of beings living in the earth called the Vril-ya. The Vril-ya are ultra-terrestrials whose name is Sumerian for “Like God.”

The Vril Society was a group of women that claimed to have psychic powers. The leader was the Thule Gesellschaft medium Maria Orsitsch of Zagreb, who claimed to have received communication from Aryan beings that allegedly lived on Alpha Tauri, in the Aldebaran system. Allegedly, these beings had visited Earth and settled in Sumeria.

The society allegedly taught trance-like exercises similar to remote viewing. These exercises were designed to awaken the forces of Vril, and their main goal was to achieve Raumflug (Spaceflight) to reach Aldebaran.

To achieve this, the Vril Society joined the Thule Gesellschaft and a cult called, Men of the Black Sun, to fund an ambitious program involving the construction of a flight machine based on technology that as delivered to these beings in the Black Forest.

In the 1936, there were reports of a large bright light that came down from the sky and landed or crashed somewhere in the Black Forest near Poland. SS troops from the Jelenia Góra garrison came and brought the disc to Jelenia Góra township, where it was examined and back engineered by scientists who were members of the Thule Society and answered to the Vril.

The Thulist scientists laid claim to the idea that the technology left behind by the beings was propelled by something called the Black Sun. A very powerful energy source which cannot be seen by the naked eye. It was allegedly thought by the Vril and the Thulists to be in the godhead’s inner light in the form of a cross. It was also said to be found in antimatter. It was the all powerful energy source directly from the hand of God to mankind.

Or was it handed to mankind through the beings associated with the demiurge?

In the TV show, Stranger Things, the “monsterous” Demogorgon comes from beneath the earth in the Upside Down Underworld. This monster is also an ultra-terrestrial. The teacher, Mr. Clarke tries to explain to the children how time and space can be shifted using the flea and the acrobat.

He says that the only way to cross dimensions is to create a massive amount of energy, so large that it makes a tear in time and space.

Now, going back to the Vril and the Black Sun Technologies that were given to mankind by these gorgon like entities, one can look through history and read about the Nazi secret weapon known as Die Glocke or in English, “The Bell”.

Leaked information and de-classified documents have given us the direction in understanding of what this “bell” was all about. It was when in Igor Witkowski’s book called, “The Truth About The Wonder Weapon”, this weapon was first introduced to us. He claims that he has been shown classified Polish government documents by an anonymous Polish intelligence official. In these documents were the most important Nazi research projects, and among them was Die Glocke.

There are many documents and series on TV and the internet that state the Third Reich was doing hard core research before the end of the war in 1945. And, aside from the chemical weapons and tough machinery, it was believed the Third Reich scientists were working on a supposed time machine.

This machine was believed to have great power. Descriptions state the device was made of heavy metal, around 9 feet wide and up to 15 feet high and had a bell like shape. The information states that the device had two counter-rotating cylinders, filled with mercury-like liquid and had a bluish color. The mercury-like liquid was referred to as “Xerum 25” and was stored in special flasks. Other liquids were added, such as light metal, with thorium and beryllium peroxides. This device emitted strong and dangerous radiation, which often caused the scientists health problems. Scientists suffered from sleep deprivation, dizziness and some even died due to radiation poisoning. Witkowski speculates that the area around the Wenceslaus mine was used for testing Die Glocke and its anti-gravity powers. Many different proposals were made about the machines ultimate goal, all connected with generating power for massive aircraft . It was said that it generated wormholes.

Wormholes or Stargates are tunnels made out of space-time fabric that connect very far distances in space in a much shorter distance. Space-time fabric was proposed by Einstein back in 1915.

Wormholes exist naturally and theoretical physicist John Wheeler said it’s possible wormholes to appear spontaneously anywhere and to suddenly disappear, and, he has a hypothesis called, “quantum foam hypothesis” backing it up.

Marshall Barnes appeared on Ground zero to demonstrate how micro wormholes are made and then collapse using the Verdrehung Fan. He has now shown that he can send video and radio signals back in time.

The idea of wormhole technology and its ties to the occult lead us in the direction of scientists or wizards wanting to use powerful forces to rip holes into space time and with these powers risk the possibility of bringing into the matrix strange creatures similar to those Stephen King wrote about in his story “The Mist.”

Like the TV show, Stranger Things, a show based on the Mist will once again aquaint us with what King called the “Arrowhead Project”, intended to peer into other dimensions. The experiment went terribly wrong. Thus, allowing the creatures to cross over the spilled portal and into the human realm.

If you remember in the story, Mrs. Carmody convinced that the Mist was a punishment from God for mankind’s sin and dissolution. She also used the Bible to prove that the creatures being seen were directly from the bottomless pit.

Our collective consciousness is now sensing the eschaton. There are technologies being used that some believe were seen in the Bible during the Apocalypse.

If we allow our imaginations to rise to the occasion, a bottomless pit can be a Black Hole, which can be generated by the technologies found at places like Brookhaven and the large Hadron Collider.

Is this a demonic form of the singularity?

The question is, what will win first? And when it does, we all lose.

Written by Ron Patton

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