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Posted on February 13th, 2018 by Clyde Lewis



For years, the American voter has routinely entered their voting booth and cast their vote for a variety of candidates and issues without even thinking of some nefariously hidden figure manipulating voting machines.

It wasn’t until after the 2000 election of George W. Bush that people started wondering about hacked voting machines, missing ballots, hanging chads, and the accusations of a Supreme Court rigging elections.

Now, the meddling of the Supreme Court in our elections has been replaced with Russian meddling.

While the media keeps pushing the issue and tries to force feed us with half truths about the issue in an attempt to frame the president, the intelligence community, who arguably are the architects of the whole drama are getting their moment in the spotlight, only because the media has decided to put former deep state intelligence ops in news positions.

However, the Department of Homeland Security made the rare move to officially discredit an NBC News Report that claimed a top Trump official found that “Russians successfully penetrated the voter registration rolls of several U.S. states prior to the 2016 presidential election.”

In a statement, DHS said the “breaking news” report was not only wrong and hyped but is also being ripped by other media.

In the report, NBC interviewed Jeanette Manfra, the head of Cyber Security at the Department of Homeland Security, who said, “We saw a targeting of 21 states and an exceptionally small number of them were actually successfully penetrated.”

In the statement, Manfra said, “let me be clear: we have no evidence – old or new - that any votes in the 2016 elections were manipulated by Russian hackers.”

She added, “NBC News continues to falsely report my recent comments on attempted election hacking – which clearly mirror my testimony before the Senate Intelligence Committee last summer – as some kind of ‘breaking news,’ incorrectly claiming a shift in the administration’s position on cyber threats.

As I said eight months ago, a number of states were the target of Russian government cyber actors seeking vulnerabilities and access to U.S. election infrastructure. In the majority of cases, only preparatory activity like scanning was observed, while in a small number of cases, actors were able to access the system but we have no evidence votes were changed or otherwise impacted.”

The NBC headline on one story was, “Russians penetrated U.S. voter systems, top U.S. official says.”

As I reported a few days ago, this is more evidence that certain media outlets wish to poison the wells of public information in order to further its anti-Trump agenda ahead of what is truly going on.

What is truly interesting is how the other media outlets that also seem to have this same agenda dropped the story when they found out it was false.

Meanwhile, I got the same type of gerrymandering of a story from CNN where it was reported that the Intelligence groups in the United States already have evidence to show that Russia will be meddling in the 2018 midterm elections.

Once again, this propaganda suits the Intelligence apparatus and the war machine and is most definitely the consequence of a media that has now invited the CIA and other so-called Intelligence experts to speak in the newsroom as journalists rather than exposing them as parrots of the Deep State.

ABC News Today reports that US Intel officials say “Russia targeting midterms.” What really makes me laugh as that just days ago we reported that Intel ops would make their move to push the agenda of more Russian influence online and that this would be carried through to the next election. Now the intelligence community wants to create this new Russian bogeyman – the Cyberian Ruskies are at it again.

CIA Director Mike Pompeo told the Senate Intelligence committee that they have seen Russian activity and intentions to have an impact on the next election cycle.

National Intelligence Director Dan Coats and Adm. Mike Rogers, the head of the National Security Agency, agreed. They didnundefinedt describe the activity, other than to say it was related to information warfare.

They told Congress that they would provide more details in a classified session later in the day. The intelligence officials said the information will be shared with state and local governments and state election officials.

Here we go again, the new Operation Mockingbird has the media intelligence complex ramping up more conflict with their carefully chosen targets.

The threat was North Korea, China, and now Russia is allegedly targeting the mid terms. Now the question is: Do they think that the American people are stupid?

The whole cyber-war scare-mongering campaign, whether the alleged undefinedthreatundefined is said to be emanating from China, Iran, or Russia is also very convenient for proponents of Internet regulation who want to install back doors on every web site, and every software system, so the feds can undefinedtraceundefined these alleged undefinedcyber-terrorists.undefined

It is at best another intelligence scam to reign in the internet and as we reported earlier to justify some sort of mini nuclear war against an alleged threat that is very real to intelligence and deep state operatives, but more or less some mysterious crisis that only the technocrats can fix.

Does anyone smell a scam being cooked in order to make the Internet more manageable to the interests of our owners?

US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson is warning that Russia is already beginning to interfere in the 2018 midterm elections and the US is ill-prepared to combat it. When pressed for proof Tillersoson did not elaborate.

Now, we have to wonder why no one wishes to elaborate on the recent accusations. Russia is now being reported to be coming at the United States from all kinds of contradictory angles that no one is taking the time to analyze critically.

It has been said by the media and now the intelligence community that Russian bots amplified Donald Trump during the campaign, but now that he is in office, The Kremlin-backed media have now portrayed Trump as a weak president.

Vladimir Putin has expelled U.S. diplomats from Russia, limiting options for warmer relations with the administration he allegedly wanted in place. As Congress pushes a harder line against Russia, plenty of headlines around the world have declared that if Russia saw salvation in a Trump Presidency they made a big mistake.

We can concede that perhaps Russian interests, Israeli interests, European interests were all buying up social media propaganda to influence the election, but from there we are now being told that sophisticated cyber warfare is already influencing the midterm elections?

I want to know how, since I haven’t heard as much as peep about them in the mainstream media.

I am now second guessing myself wondering if I have hot some sort of blind spot in this conspiracy theory and that there is a midterm election happening as I write this in some alternative timeline.

Is this some sort of seed they are planting in the minds of the people in hopes that they will indeed use selective hearing about the entire issue?

Exaggeration and distortion are powerful tools to fool the public. We always hear the same magical buzz words that create a response. Things like, “Putin annexed Crimea, which ignores the fact that Crimea had a referendum and willingly joined Russia.

Sensationalism has become a powerful propaganda tool. News media rely on it for advertisement revenue; public figures use it to boost their popularity or to get votes; and people use it to convince themselves of their own views.

Foreign policy is nothing more than political spin anymore. It is then sprinkled with a ton of emotional incitement, exaggerations and blatant lies.

Just plant a few misleading stories in the New York Times and then use them to bolster your case on Face the Nation or Meet the Press.

No one told us why it was important for Barack Obama to arm Al Qaeda in Syria — only that when someone said, we are arming the enemy we were told that they were “moderate rebels,” which is simply a marketing name to smooth over the outrage from people who smell BS when it is dropped under their noses.

If an Intelligence operative or a former head of the CIA told you on the news that there is a cyber threat and that we need to declare war on Russia for profit, Intelligence gathering and eventually for their resources, do you think that American people would say — sure, fire all of the missiles and once — do not hesitate?

If the same Intelligence group said we must declare war to insure our Imperialism and power in order to swallow up nations for the New World Order would you say – Okay?

Of course you wouldn’t and that is why our cyber wars and nuclear proposals are always about our ‘cherished” freedoms and democracy!

When trillions of dollars are needed for the Intelligence apparatus and the Military Industrial Complex, deception becomes an integral part of foreign policy and followed by perpetual wars.

They feed us disnformation and we feed their monster.

Throughout the Cold War, we knew who our enemy was and knew how to defeat the Soviet Union’s bid to spread world communism. The threat of nuclear annihilation has a way of focusing people’s attention on an imminent threat. There was also the red scare where accusations and witch hunts were part of the norm in a nation that ruled with trauma and rumor.

It was enough to ramp up the consensus paranoia.

Now we are in the midst of a new Cold War. The threat in the back of our minds is still some sort of nuclear confrontation. However through the mystification of science, technocratic manipulation and a culture that believes in phantom expertise, the war party has been able create a new threat and that is cyber warfare.

Instead of making up stories about weapons of mass destruction or soldiers ripping babies out of incubators, we are now being subjected to mind numbingly technical explanations that point to purported acts of undefinedcyber-terrorismundefined or “cyber warfare” being waged against us.

As predicted earlier on this program, the evil cyber attacks are coming from – you guessed it - Russia.

I guess lies from the Intelligence apparatus never cease when they create an excuse to make a case for meddling in elections and to justify more backdoor software to spy on the American people.

We have heard all of the lies in the past like irrefutable facts that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction, yellow cake uranium, and a number of other nasty things that were wrapped up in an impressive presentation using psychobabble that turned out to be nothing but lies.

You may also remember that the media decided that they could call on “experts” conveniently chosen from the Intelligence apparatus to convince us that we were all doomed.

It appears that we never learn our lesson and people are never capable of sniffing out an organized conspiracy of disinformation meant to dope up the excitement and incite an emotional reaction from the people.

A reaction that allows for the Intelligence community and the war party to continue to push their conspiracy theories so they can get a piece of the trillions of dollars that go into the defense budget.

More than 2000 years ago, Socrates taught Greeks how to think rationally and logically, but somewhere along the way, we lost it—the lack of discernment we have now is all based on programming and spin.

Deception now has become our way of life now and people are completely blinded by their political bias and default logic based on bad or intentionally misleading information in the first place.

In a Fortean sense, there is a hairline of difference between reality and fantasy and in that realm we realize that “belief” is a word where the word lie his hidden between the lines and that the truth is stranger than fiction and that most of what we believe changes like the days fashion, whether it be the latest hat or dance craze.

The reality breakdown is occurring as we speak now. It is getting a rewrite and everything we think we know, that we question and satisfy with opinion is being changed and repackaged.

You have to consider the compelling argument that the narrative is responsible for a literal reality redo, creating conspiracy theories that really are more than theories but attempts to somehow put reality into perspective without letting anyone know that secretly tucked away in all of our utility drawers is a tin foil hat that we will proudly wear because we know that no one truly lives in a universe that is fully objective.