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Posted on March 14th, 2018 by Clyde Lewis



Last night we announced the Stephen Hawking had passed away in London early on 3/14. Even in death Stephen Hawking mathematically left his imprint on the world as he died on the 30th anniversary of Pi day.

Physicist Larry Shaw organized the first ‘Pi Day’ celebration at the San Francisco Exploratorium Science Museum, 30 years ago.

PI of course is a mathematical constant defined as the ratio of a circleundefineds circumference to its diameter. It is approximately equal to 3.14159; however, rounded out PI is simply 3.14. It is represented by a Greek symbol because its most elementary definition relates to the circle, π is found in many formulas found in trigonometry and geometry, especially those concerning circles, ellipses, and spheres.

Pi has been calculated to over one trillion digits beyond its decimal point and will continue infinitely without repetition or pattern.

As you can see, his death on 3/14 has a very deep meaning and synchronicity unto itself.

Hawking’s incredible mind pushed the very limits of human understanding both in the vastness of space and in the bizarre sub-molecular world of quantum theory, which he said could predict what happens at the beginning and end of time.

His work ranged from the origins of the universe, through the prospect of time travel to the mysteries of space’s all-consuming Black Holes.

Now with that in mind it is also interesting to note that Stephen Hawking was born January 8, 1942, on the 300th anniversary of Galileoundefineds death. He died March 14th, on the anniversary of Einsteinundefineds birth.

It only goes to show that time is circular - no beginning, no end.

Amid all of the tributes and memories of Stephen Hawking, one of the features online is his final thoughts on Artificial intelligence that were given during a Reddit “Ask Me Anything” session.

Hawking warned everybody that Earth is becoming too small and humanity is bound to self-destruct, with Artificial Intelligence replacing us as the dominant being on the planet.

Hawking claimed that AI will soon reach a level where it will be a undefinednew form of life that will outperform humans.

Professor Hawking said that our time on Earth is numbered after we passed the point of undefinedno returnundefined. He claims that the inhabitants of the earth may not even survive 100 more years.

During the Ask Me Anything session Hawking was quoted as saying:

undefinedThe real risk with AI isn’t malice but competence. A super-intelligent AI will be extremely good at accomplishing its goals, and if those goals aren’t aligned with ours, we’re in trouble. You’re probably not an evil ant-hater who steps on ants out of malice, but if you’re in charge of a hydroelectric green energy project and there’s an anthill in the region to be flooded, too bad for the ants. Let’s not place humanity in the position of those ants.undefined

When asked How smart do you think the human race can make AI, while ensuring that it doesn’t surpass them in intelligence?,” Hawking replied;

undefinedIt’s clearly possible for a something to acquire higher intelligence than its ancestors: We evolved to be smarter than our ape-like ancestors, and Einstein was smarter than his parents.

The line you ask about is where an AI becomes better than humans at AI design, so that it can recursively improve itself without human help. If this happens, we may face an intelligence explosion that ultimately results in machines whose intelligence exceeds ours by more than ours exceeds that of snails.undefined

Hawking certainly had his misgivings about Artificial Intelligence. He shared the same views as Space X entrepreneur Elon Musk where just days before Hawking’s death said during a speech at South by South West in Austin Texas that A.I. is more dangerous than nuclear warheads and said there needs to be a regulatory body overseeing the development of super intelligence.

It is not the first time Musk has made frightening predictions about the potential of Artificial Antelligence – he once was quoted as saying that creating Artificial intelligence is the equivalent of summoning a demon.

Some have called his tough talk fear-mongering. Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg said Muskundefineds doomsday AI scenarios are unnecessary and undefinedpretty irresponsible.undefined And Harvard professor Steven Pinker also recently criticized Muskundefineds tactics.

Musk, however, is resolute, calling those who push against his warnings undefinedfoolsundefined at SXSW.

Obviously Musk is in good company as he shares some of the fears that Hawking did just prior to his death.

Recently, there has been some buzz on the internet about something called IoT – or the Internet of Things and how it is the catalyst for the introduction of 5th generation or 5G technologies.

When 5G, the fifth generation of wireless communications technology arrives at the end of this year and will be the norm in 2020 undefined engineers expect that it will be able to handle about 1000 times more mobile data than today’s cellular systems.

It will also become the backbone of the Internet of Things, linking up fixed and mobile devices—vending machines and cars alike—becoming part of a new industrial and economic revolution, some say. A new architecture, new communication technologies, and new hardware will make this transformation possible.

5G and IoT promises to connect us in our homes, schools, workplaces, cities, parks and open spaces to over a trillion objects around the world. It promises cars that drive themselves, washing machines that order their own washing detergent and softener plus of course super fast downloads and streaming.

According to Fortune.com 5G will support at least 100 billion devices and will be 10 to 100 times faster than current 4G technology.

It’ll bring download speed up to 10 Gigabits per second. This would let us have an entire building of people send each other data in close to no time, thus improving productivity.

5G offers mind-blowing data capabilities, practically unrestricted call volumes and near infinite data broadcast. It does this by 5G using largely untapped bandwidth of the millimeter wave (MMW), which is between 30GHz and 300GHz, as well as some lower and mid-range frequencies.

It will also make the transformation to a more powerful Artificial Intelligence possible.

The only problem is that while IoT and 5G will make super cities possible and faster AI a reality - the millimeter wave’s limitations may pose an obstacle and because of this. There may have to be some changes made to the cell systems that can pose a few health risks.

Millimeter waves (MMWs) do not travel well through buildings and they tend to be absorbed by rain and plants. This interferes with the signal. Added to this, high frequency waves like MMWs also have much shorter wavelengths that can’t travel far.

To counter this problem 5G will utilize smaller cell stations (and the technology of beam forming) that’ll scramble/unscramble and redirect packets of data on a no-interference path back to us. This could mean wireless antennas on every lamp post, utility pole, home and business throughout entire neighborhoods, towns and cities.

This would increase what is called low-level wireless radio frequency radiation exposure.

Thousands of studies link low-level wireless radio frequency radiation exposures to a long list of adverse biological effects, including:

• DNA single and double strand breaks
• Oxidative damage
• Disruption of cell metabolism
• Increased blood brain barrier permeability
• Melatonin reduction
• Disruption to brain glucose metabolism
• Generation of stress proteins

Let’s not also forget that in 2011 the World Health Organization (WHO) classified radio frequency radiation as a possible 2B carcinogen.

More recently the $25 million National Toxicology Program concluded that radio frequency radiation of the type currently used by cell phones can cause cancer.

Given that 5G is set to utilize frequencies above and below existing frequency bands 5G sits in the middle of all this. But the tendency (it varies from country to country) is for 5G to utilize the higher frequency bands.

The United States is currently leading the way on 5G. At the June 2016 press conference, the Federal Communications Commission’s (FCC) head Tom Wheeler announced the opening up of low, mid and high spectrums. There was no mention of health effects whatsoever. But the dangers are real.

It is not being reports that the same frequencies that pump up 5 G are the same frequencies that are used for Pain-Inflicting Crowd Control Weapons.

Current investigations of wireless frequencies in the millimeter and submillimeter range confirm that these waves interact directly with human skin, specifically the sweat glands. Dr. Ben-Ishai of the Department of Physics, Hebrew University, Israel recently detailed how human sweat ducts act like an array of helical antennas when exposed to these wavelengths. Scientists cautioned that before rolling out 5G technologies that use these frequencies, research on human health effects needed to be done first to ensure the public and environment are protected.

For years, the U.S., Russian and Chinese defense agencies have been developing weapons that rely on the capability of this electromagnetic technology to induce unpleasant burning sensations on the skin as a form of crowd control. Millimeter waves are utilized by the U.S. Army in crowd dispersal guns called Active Denial Systems.

It has also been reported that EMF slowly cooks human mitochondria, and is incredibly damaging to the human brain.

Verizon just announced that 5G networks will be tested in 11 U.S. cities. 5G Networks will involve the deployment of millions of antennas nationwide, thousands in each city.

Some experts are worried that 5G and the wave of electro-fog will begin to create brain fog as well.

According to a study reported upon by Time Magazine back on May 14th of 2015, Americans now have a shorter attention span than that of a goldfish on average. Reporting that the cell phone, and the phenomenon of electro fog has created undefineddigital distractionundefined which generally causes most people to lose concentration within 8 seconds, the study showed a 1/3 drop from the undefinedaverageundefined 12 second attention span the undefinedaverageundefined American had back in the year 2000.

The study, conducted by Microsoft itself, also reported the changes were likely a side effect of the brain undefinedevolvingundefined to a mobile internet while dropping this bombshell which helps to explain why many feel that America is falling into unexplainable despair.

The survey also confirmed generational differences; for example, 77% of people aged 18 to 24 responded undefinedyesundefined when asked, “When nothing is occupying my attention, the first thing I do is reach for my phone,” compared with only 10% of those over the age of 65.

Some experts are now warning that new cell phone technology, being unveiled nationwide by 2020, could turn America into one gigantic but invisible “killing field.”

Demand for cellular data has been growing at a staggering pace, with conservative estimates ranging from 40% to 70% year upon year increase in traffic .This incredible growth implies that within the next decades, cellular networks may need to deliver as much as 1000 times the capacity relative to current levels.

At the same time, as the benefits of wireless connectivity move beyond smart phones and tablets, many new devices will require wireless service perhaps as many as 50 billion devices will be connected by 2020 in one estimate.

Meeting this demand will be a formidable task. Many of the requirements envisioned for what are now being called beyond fourth-generation 4G and fifth-generation 5G cellular systems, such as multi-gigabits per second peak throughputs and tens of megabits per second cell edge rates, are already daunting.

Industry and federal officials have largely dismissed those fears, saying the radiation exposure is minimal and that the devices are safe. Incidences of deaths from brain cancer have shown little change in recent years despite the explosion in cell phone usage, they note.

But the launch of super-fast 5G technology over the next several years will dramatically increase the number of transmitters sending signals to cell phones and a host of new internet-enabled devices, including smart appliances and autonomous vehicles. Furthermore, this move toward new technology comes after unsettling findings from a long-awaited federal government study of the cancer risk from cell phone use.

Surprisingly, The Los Angeles Times has been reporting that the move to 5G may not be as easy or as safe as we might think.

According to an LA Times article, early data shows a slight increase of tumors in male rats exposed to cell phone radiation.

The article reports that as wireless companies prepare to launch the next generation of service, there are new questions about the possible health risks from radiation emitted by cell phones and the transmitters that carry the signals. The launch of super-fast 5G technology over the next several years will dramatically increase the number of transmitters sending signals to cell phones and a host of new Internet-enabled devices, including smart appliances and autonomous vehicles.

And the move to the new technology comes after unsettling findings from a long-awaited federal government study of the cancer risk from cell phone use.

National Toxicology Program researchers released preliminary data that showed small increases in tumors in male rats exposed to cell phone radiation.

The rats were exposed to nine hours of radiation daily, in 10-minutes-on, 10-minutes-off intervals, over their whole bodies for two years. The researchers found increased incidences of rare brain and heart tumors starting at about the federally allowable level of cell phone radiation for brain exposure, with greater incidences at about two and four times those levels.

So, in the contained experiment the rats were not constantly exposed but were exposed for only 10 hours both on again and off again.

With the 5G plan, humans will be exposed more so than the rats. If the effects are cumulative, then we will be seeing a cancer risk that would shoot up to 200 and maybe even 400 percent.

So think of how being in the 5G spot would be the equivalent of sitting in a room full of cigarette smoke with no ventilation.

Under the current 5G plan, every square inch of America will be bathed and covered in penetrating and irradiating microwaves like never before.

Stephen Hawking warned before his death that robots endowed with Artificial Intelligence could rise up and kill us all – it won’t be that hard after our bodies are weakened by this attempt at electromagnetic torture.