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Ron Patton | April 18, 2017



In our quest for confirmation of alien life, it is difficult to hear the breakthroughs in science that have been announced which most certainly confirm of life existing in space. There is a new found sense of confidence from NASA and the European Space Agency along with several other specialists are noting that what was once considered myth and speculation is now finding its way into mainstream science.

Much of what we are hearing about can be fulfilling of our lofty dreams while other discoveries are those that make our nightmares come true.

It all depends on how you look at these major discoveries.

Scientists are now pointing out that we should not dismiss the possibility that extraterrestrial artifacts could exists close to our planet and some alien devices might even observe us.

So far, scientists have not acknowledged any non-terrestrial artifacts in our solar system.

Some say that scientists have denied the existence of artifacts seen on Mars.

Apollo Astronaut Buzz Aldrin has mentioned many times about anomalous artifacts found on Phobos, including a monolith structure, and how a settlement on Mars should be led by the United States and that historians will record our success in leaving earth for mars sooner than later.

We also have reported the movements of an ancient satellite that has been called, the Black Knight.

The Fermi Paradox, originally formulated by Enrico Fermi, asks if intelligent life is common, why no technological civilizations have been observed and why have we not recovered ancient alien artifacts from the moon or elsewhere?

We have to conclude that intelligent life in space may be rare, that is civilized life that was able to be technologically advanced enough to have artifacts that would indicate intelligence, art or even a religious belief.

Throughout history, we have seen that intelligent cultures inevitably destroy themselves.

Writers like William Bramley in his book, Gods of Eden, suggests that throughout time aliens may be responsible for helping us in annihilating ourselves.

We have also been told that aliens may have had a hand in creating technologies used during our great wars. We are told that perhaps they are here and will not reveal themselves.

However, if aliens are out there, it wouldn’t be that much of a stretch to theorize that even without actual contact – other cosmic civilizations could be sending unpiloted probes to quietly peek at our civilization.

These probes, like ours, would be small and might be hidden in a variety of places. In the asteroid belt they would probably go unnoticed, especially if these non-terrestrial objects are only 3 to 33 feet in size, weighing little more than a ton.

In the 1960’s, there was a plan devised by the U.S. Government to have in place a conspiracy of denial with regards to the possibility that a new space program would discover the possibility of life elsewhere in the universe. This plan, provided by the Brookings Institute, was completed in December of 1960 and pointed out the very real fear of social disintegration if humanity discovered in its cosmic sojourn proof of extra-terrestrial life.

The Brookings Report was very clear when it suggested that “Anthropological files contain many examples of societies sure of their place in the universe which have disintegrated when they had to associate with previously unfamiliar societies espousing different societies in different ways.”

Needless to say, the guardians of intelligence suggested that if the U.S. space program found evidence of alien life or technology that it would be advisable to withhold that information. Nearly five decades later, much of what the Brookings Institute laid out for the space program still holds and science is still in the act of denial of any intelligent life in space.

Since the Curiosity Rover landed on the surface Mars, there have been a number of curious anomalies being sent back to earth that have created all sort of buzz on the Internet. Observers have seen nothing from strange human looking statues on Mars, to strange lights beaming up from the surface and of course, various unidentified flying objects that comes and goes and are recorded.

NASA has done its best to explain that what is being seen is some sort of lens flare or pareidolia much like was done at the time that curious mars watchers saw a face in the Cydonia region of Mars.

In an email published by The Virtually Strange Network, “Brookings Report Re-examined,” Keith Woodard writes that the Brookings Report “did raise the possibility of withholding information, but took no position on its advisability. ‘Questions one might wish to answer by such studies,’ intoned the report, ‘would include: how might such information, under what circumstances, be presented to or withheld from the public for what ends?

What might be the role of the discovering scientists and other decision makers regarding release of the fact of discovery?

Well, this year we are actually seeing how reactions to such things as Goldilocks planets, strange fast extra-terrestrial pulses and other anomalies are forcing scientists to face what can be called “confirmation” that life exists elsewhere in the universe and that extraterrestrial life can live in what can be called hazardous and extreme environments.

At the end of 2016, there was a bunch of speculation being made about a possible extra terrestrial revelation or connection to Antarctica. When I attended my first Contact in the Desert gathering in the summer of 2016, there were speakers like David Wilcock who wowed the crowds by talking about a so-called alien battle over Antarctica. Corey Goode also wooed the crowds by saying he had privileged intelligence stating there were ancient ruins that would be revealed to the public and identified as built by extra-terrestrials.

Meanwhile, there were other stories coming from the South Pole that took the spotlight including a paper on the irreversible collapse of the marine portion of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet and a NASA-funded study that finds, contrary to numerous previous results, that the Antarctic ice sheet as a whole has been gaining mass between 1992 and 2008. This most recent study received a lot of media attention because it runs counter to what was said in the last (IPCC) Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Report. Certain parts of the media hailed this as another sign that the impacts of climate change had somehow been exaggerated.

Earlier this year, I reported there had been a lot of peculiar activity in the southern hemisphere, from earthquakes to UFO activity. Many of these stories may or may not have connections to Antarctica, but the most southern regions of the planet have produced more questions than answers and it is anyone’s conspiracy du jour as to what may be happening there.

I also reported that beyond the overly hyped tales of alien battles and alien civilizations there sprouted form an incident at Lake Vostok – a rumor that the Russians had encountered a strange cephalopod or Mollusk which had survived under the icy waters of the lake.

Lake Vostok, seen so far only on radar, is believed to be warmed by geothermal energy. This would provide the conditions necessary for life to thrive in environments that are similar to Jupiter’s Moon Europa and Saturn’s moon, Enceladus.

Jupiter’s moon Europa and Saturn’s moon, Enceladus have both been seen by NASA probes to have icy crusts, but, apparently, enough heat from inside to raise at least the possibility of hidden oceans. An alternative to earthly abiogenesis is “exogenesis”, the hypothesis that primitive life may have originally formed extra-terrestrially, either in space or on a nearby planet such as Mars.

As missiles were being thrown at Syria and the talk of World War III monopolized the conversation NASA made an announcement. It was an announcement that put us even closer to Confirmation of alien life forms in our cosmic neighborhood.

In its final swoop close to the surface of Enceladus, NASA’s Cassini spacecraft delivered a stunning cliffhanger by detecting the most remarkable hints yet that there may be life on Saturn’s sixth-largest moon.

That swoop took place in October 2015, but research published this month in Science reveals that the spacecraft which is due to end its 22-year mission by plunging into the planet’s surface in a few months, detected hydrogen gas in a plume of material erupting from the moon’s surface.

Analyzing the data, a team of scientists from the South West Research Institute (SWRI) in Texas, USA, suggests that the gas might indicate the presence of hydrothermal vents deep in Enceladus’s subsurface ocean.

If so, the vents might be analogous to those found deep underwater on Earth, which are home to bacterial species dubbed “extremophiles”. These species do not rely on light, but instead live by using the chemical energy derived from the minerals and chemical compounds spewing from the vents to convert carbon dioxide into sugar – a process known as chemosynthesis.

None of the data relayed by Cassini conclusively identifies chemosynthetic life on Enceladus, but neither does it rule it out and this alone is enough to excite researchers.

Now this has me thinking back to the stories that I was hearing about, around the time that some pretty prestigious individuals were making unannounced visits to Antarctica.

On February 18, 2016, Russian Patriarch Kirill visited a Russian outpost in Antarctica, reportedly to see penguins. Just over a month later, on March 23, President Obama visited the southern Argentine resort town of Bariloche, it is also been rumored that he Traveled to Patagonia to observe a Chinese space monitoring station and to eventually travel to the south pole for a briefing about what researchers have found regarding climate science.

Secretary of State, John Kerry, also made the claim that climate science was the reason for going to Antarctica. On November 9th 2016, Kerry, landed in Antarctica, just after the U.S. Presidential Election.

It was said that he was there to observe thawing conditions brought on by climate change, however, it doesn’t make sense that he planned to go there during a critical time in the United States and it had already been announced that the ice shelf at the South Pole was not thawing but expanding.

America’s top spy, James Clapper, flew to Australia and then decided to take an impromptu visit to Antarctica last year.

Finally, the visit that got the most attention was when Astronaut Buzz Aldrin visited Antarctica. He was airlifted from Antarctica because of a sudden illness. This raised some eyebrows as to why a religious figure, government leaders and an astronaut were called to visit Antarctica.

Of course the speculation all lead to what Corey Goode and David Wilcock talked about at Contact in the Desert. However, I was not satisfied with unverified stories of alien civilizations and alien battles at the South Pole.

I do have another theory that all ties together with the recent discovery of possible life on Enceladus.

The truth as I see it is that the discovery of classified aquatic life at Lake Vostok by the Russians gave scientists more evidence to explore space for aquatic life under the ice on Europa and Encelatus.

It could be that what was found there was indeed extra-terrestrial life which has lived under the water in Antarctica for millions of years.

This is where it gets a bit nightmarish.

Many of us are familiar with the Cthulhu mythos written by H.P. Lovecraft. Lovecraft wrote some of the most nightmarish fiction ever in literature. Cthulhu of course is one of the most terrifying alien creatures that allegedly lie deep, somewhere in an ice water slumber.

Lovecraft wrote about other living alien creatures that lived under the sea that are believed to be waiting to return. Lovecraft wrote “Lurking in the margins of our space time continuum this merry crew of Outer Gods and Great Old ones are now attempting to invade our world through science and dream and horrid Rites.

Now according to Russian news sources secrets of the Russian drilling project have been revealed and to read the accounts – you would think that it mimicked the plot from the movie “The Thing.”

In early February 2012, members of the Russian Antarctic Expedition succeeded in the drilling through more than two miles of thick ice to Lake Vostok – this project took more than 30 years.

Because the freshwater lake had been sealed off from the rest of the world for between 15 and 34 million years, scientists had predicted they would find new species that had evolved far differently than any seen before.

Previously, extremely weird creatures had been found in deep-sea vents off the coast of Antarctica including hairy-chested yeti crabs that feed on gardens of bacteria they cultivate on their bodies and carnivorous, seven-armed sea stars that can catch and kill those crabs.

For five years, the findings at Lake Vostok have been classified by the Russians and now information about a cephalopod with fourteen arms discovered at Lake Vostok is now generating a whole bunch of speculation about alien life below the icy surface of Antarctica.

Researchers confirm they discovered a bizarre and deadly life form dubbed Organism 46-B – a highly intelligent mollusk octopus-like creature that claimed the lives of three of the team members.

But the government of Russian president Vladimir Putin claimed that “nothing of scientific interest” was found.

Meanwhile, there have been fake pictures circulating around the internet of something that resembles the “face hugger” xenomorph seen in the Alien films.

This has sent a red flag to investigators that are willing dismiss any and all talk about “alien” octopods with fourteen arms under water at the South Pole.

However, it has now been discovered that the first known living sample of a giant, ancient mollusk that previously was known almost exclusively by its shells has been recovered from the Philippines.

A team of researchers have finally come across a live colony of giant shipworms or Kuphus polythalamia. Washed-up, empty, elephant tusk-like shells first hinted at the existence of this meter-long animal in the 18th century, and there are a few specimens preserved in ethanol in collections around the world. But no one knew exactly what lay within, until now.

The giant shipworm is the world’s longest bivalve and the only known extant species of its genus. Unlike other shipworm species that typically burrow into and eat driftwood, the giant shipworm inhabits organic rich, noxious mud and doesn’t seem to feed much at all. Instead it relies on symbiotic bacteria in its gills.

Now no one is calling this alien life, but like the Species 46-B, it certainly is contender for what we may find living under the ice on Enceladus.

Many of the science fiction movies about alien contact that have been in theaters lately have shown us that the new image for alien life is a multi-tentacled creature like the ones found in the Lovecraft mythology.

In the movie, Arrival, scientists and a linguist attempt to communicate with aliens known as Heptapods. A Heptapod has seven limbs, whose arrangement makes the creature heptaradially-symmetrical.

Another creature that appears to be a cephalopod or mollusk is the alien life form seen in the new movie, LIFE. It starts out as “slime mold” and then evolves to something that resembles an octopus.

We’ve always known that the octopus is intelligent, but we’ve never quite understood why. It is actually the relative of the snail and it has managed to fascinate us and fuel our imaginations as we speculate about the nature and form of intelligent beings, but there were more questions than answers in its camouflage, regeneration, control, and use of tools.

A scientific study has revealed that the DNA make up of octopuses is nothing like any other living being on the planet Earth, hinting that they are more alien than earthly.

Octopuses are present in all of the Earth’s oceans, and have shown a great sustainability among the other aquatic life that shares the seas. Their large brains and ability to solve complex problems with little observation have mystified researchers for years, coercing wonder of their true intelligence and cognitive abilities. The reveal of their DNA has researchers wondering more about the tentacled creatures, their origins, and why they are unlike any other animals on the planet.

It was found that the genome of the cephalopod mollusc, according to the Huffington Post, is quite complex. Over 33,000 protein-coding genomes were discovered during recent research. In comparison, humans have approximate 20,000. Although the information is intriguing and will lead to further research, the findings have created more questions than answers.

Dr. Clifton Ragsdale of the University of Chicago, according to Metro U.K., describes the findings more alien than Earthbound. “The octopus appears to be utterly different from all other animals, even other molluscs, with its eight prehensile arms, its large brain and its clever problem-solving abilities.”

He continued to build off of Martin Wells, a zoologist, claiming that octopuses are aliens, in all sense of the word.

“The late British zoologist Martin Wells, Grandson of H.G. Wells said the octopus is an alien. In this sense, then, our paper describes the first sequenced genome from an alien.”

The mystery surrounding octopuses and their existence on Earth is now more complicated than before. Adding to the unique genome sequencing that removes it from the evolutionary connection between so many other of the planet’s life.

Organism 46-B can then be classified as an alien life form and this could be the real reason why so many people have been drawn to Antarctica’s mystery. Like the octopus it can alter its appearance. It is said that Species 46-B can contort its boneless body to take on the shape of a sea snake or stingray. It been reported that it is able to paralyze prey at a distance of up to 150 feet by releasing its venom into the water from an organ similar to its ink sac.

If we do find life out in space and it is under the deep waters under the ice – we can only imagine the monstrous alien creatures that have lived there and are soon to be discovered under the crusts of the moons of Jupiter and Saturn.

If they are revealed to be like an octopus, would we care about them enough to want to pursue further exploration to find more life forms in space?

Life on Earth has exploited just about every conceivable niche, tolerating extremes of temperature, salinity, pH and pressure.

Evolution operates predictably, producing relatively predictable outcomes. Alien life, if it exists, should be fairly similar to terrestrial life, generating intelligent beings much like us. We may also prepare for aliens that may look unfamiliar or not human like – and many scientists believe this is more likely the life that exists on hostile environments in space.

Written by Ron Patton

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