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Ron Patton | July 1, 2011


After last night’s show on eschatology it became evident that there were several people who have fallen victim to pop eschatology and for lack of a better metaphor choose top see the microchip as the Mark of the beast. Every time i tried to ask if there was any scripture that said that the Mark of the beast would be a chip or something that would be subcutaneous, no one could give me a direct answer. It was a bit disturbing to see how pop—apocalypse theory that was completely incorrect has kept everyone vigilant against the possibility of using a chip for buying and selling. Therefore the mark of the beast is the chip and there seems to be a unanimous misleading interpretation of such things.
If the chip used for identification is the mark of the beast, then why have we not rejected the Social security number, the various id cards, and passports as the Marks of the beast system when we know full well that without these credentials and documents we cannot do any commerce? Money itself is also a mark for commerce and is used by everyone, even Christians and yet this too has been ignored by people with paranoid chips on their shoulders.

This is why I fully reject the chip as the Mark of the beast because it is obvious that it is the inconvenient evil du jour that sounds so bad it has to be tied to the devil. We all know that the devil, if he still has style is able to get us all to accept the mark without being that obvious.
It can be argued that that the masses are totally unaware of the spiritual realities that they have to confront and there are many that will be satisfied that they avoided the murderous hand of Jesus when he returns all because they opted out of receiving a Microchip for the sake of commerce.
This type of thinking is ludicrous, even for Christian eschatology.
While I would abhor the chipping of my body, I am not looking at it as a religious rite of passage to ask to not have one, and chances are there are many that would accept the chip because they chip their dogs and some even consider chipping their older loved ones and children.
There need not be a worry about getting a chip because the whole Mark of the Beast has nothing to do with technology. It has everything to do with health, your ethnicity, and your bloodline.
The biblical mark of the beast is specifically said to be given under the name and authority of a socialist European political beast known as the new Babylon. This so called beast will incorporate the number and bloodline of the common man meaning the number 6, the seal of corruption which will be the hex 6 held by counterfeit Jews and the influence of 6 or the Saturnalian government or the Saturnist or Satanist form of Government. Saturn has always been associated with the number 6.
The twentieth and now the 21st century have shown us that there are no bounds when it comes to technological breakthroughs. Technology however has brought with it new forms of pollution and weapons of mass destruction. These technological tools have already benefitted the system of the metaphoric beast and the system of chaos continues to move from country to country soliciting a new world order that is supposed to be controlled by a world leader. The methods of control are limitless and there are so many things that can be seen as the mark of the beast that perhaps it becomes necessary to simplify that which is eschatology and have a more reasonable approach to what is this so called mark. When an individual is marked for death there is no physical mark on them. Many are unaware that they have been marked for that purpose. Others are marked for greatness many are determined for these purposes meaning that there is no freedom or free will in this case. When you are predetermined by your DNA to accomplish a task, or if you are rejected by your DNA or bloodline the opportunity to grow you are limited. There are many things that determine your choices and there are many things that limit your freedom. In a system led by the metaphoric beast there is already a system in place where your choices are made for you and your limits are indicated through several checks and balances. Something as simple as a credit rating can limit your attempt to achieve certain goals, like education and a place to live. It can also limit your choices for jobs, and other things.
So how is it that this is not singled out as a mark that limits your ability to buy and sell? Why do we not hear bible thumping Christians speaking out against such a system that determines the outcome of ability?
Because they have accepted the system little by little and have become distracted by symbols and tokens that mean absolutely nothing to the gradualism of a beastly form of government that controls increase, commerce, distribution of wealth, pain and all other things that we believe we have at our disposal at all times.
Much of what you have is determined by your economic and genetic propensity. The idea of Eugenic directives have determined what you can buy, and sell. It determines where you live, also determines who you have sex with, and how and where you are going to die.
We have mentioned many times things like the Georgia guide stones and Agenda 21. Two interesting sources that point to what your mark of the beast is in reality. Comprehensive plan of action to be taken globally, nationally and locally by organizations of the United Nations and various Governments, to review ways the world can be a better place for sustainable development. We discussed that “sustainable development” of the globe consists of a number of suggestions to improve the impact on our environment. First in the agenda is to establish a group consensus of crises and solutions that include separating the people and eventually culling or removing them. This pogrom is no different than what was carried out against the Jews in Hitler’s day and they were marked for death because of their ethnicity, bloodline and other reasons that were actually made to fit into a corrupt eschatology.
Hitler had outlined the proposal of the final solution in his book Mein Kampf. Hitler stated that it is important to “sift the human material” for those who support decisions of the leaders and those who do not support these decisions. He also believed in culling those who were a burden on society.
The agenda of “sifting human material” is also found hidden in the policies of Global Warming Sustainability proposals. Jonathon Porritt, who chairs the Sustainable Development Commission, says curbing population growth through contraception and abortion must be at the heart of policies to fight global warming. He says political leaders and green campaigners should stop dodging the issue of environmental harm caused by an expanding population.
Porritt, a former chairman of the Green party, says the government must improve family planning, even if it means shifting money from curing illness to increasing contraception and abortion. Do these policies sound familiar?
These policies sound similar to eugenics policies that existed in the United States prior to World War II and were then adopted and practiced by the Nazis in order to purify the blood lines of race in Germany. Those who were not of the pure bloodline were marked for death.
Many of these policies were part of the charter of the Tri-lateral commission. Zbigniew Brzezinski Barack Obama’s foreign adviser was the co-founder of the Trilateral commission along with David Rockefeller.
The original stated purpose of the Trilateral Commission was to create a “New International Economic Order.” Its current statement has morphed into fostering a “closer cooperation among these core democratic industrialized areas of the world with shared leadership responsibilities in the wider international system. The Global plan is for all countries to live on the level of third world nations.
Economic sustainability can be achieved through a process known as “end game” strategies. Which include controls on ecological systems such as food, water and air. The agenda would severely limit water, electricity, and transportation – even deny human access to our most treasured wilderness areas, it would monitor all lands and people through DNA tracking and scientific measures such as biometrics and eugenics directives.
As the world moves further into economic chaos, eugenics, an old idea cloaked under modern terminology, is making a comeback. During these times it is easy to see how a resurgence and re-packaging of eugenics could come about. In the case of Global Warming and economic sustainability, we hear these questions asked by proponents: Do you have more than two children? Is your carbon footprint putting a strain on the environment?
Your carbon footprint is your mark on the economy and environment, and all global sustainability proposals are pretext to the determinism of the New World order.
In the agendas of world economic and environmental sustainability your economic burden on society cannot be tolerated during unprecedented economic times. The growing population of elderly individuals will be an incredible burden on a faltering system. Some governmental think tanks see younger generations pursuing euthanasia policies as an option. While we are asked to recycle waste, there are those who wish to recycle or remove human life for world sustainability.
As the Global planners hook you with “climate change” and the socially engineered “saving the planet from the environmental cataclysmic model” we could very well see in the future an urgency to justify laws requiring euthanasia, eugenic infanticide, futile care provisions , and weeding out those with undesirable genetic propensities through the mapping of an infant’s genome literally marking them genetically for a “predisposed outcome.”
Groups like “The Voluntary Human Extinction Movement” believe that Phasing out the human race by voluntarily ceasing to breed will allow Earth’s biosphere to return to good health. They state that crowded conditions and resource shortages will improve as we become less dense.
Ceasing to breed can also be mixed with ceasing to feed. As we see food shortages happening in the world and here in the states consumer confidence has dropped to 20 % as food sources from pet food, infant formula, and peanut butter have been contaminated with chemicals and bacteria.
The recent European scare concerning e-coli was a manufactured event and the E-coli found in victims had all of the markings of a bio-weapon. It was a test for an even bigger event where several people could be marked for enslavement to drugs and other maintenance pharmaceuticals. These human beings would have no choice but to accept their fate, whether it is death or accepting that their health has to be maintained and that they have to have blood tests marking them as carriers.
All of these crises, from global warming, food shortages, and economic meltdown can pave the way for new eugenics programs that the American people will be forced to accept in order to buy, sell, trade or even live on this planet.
Let’s take a look at Barack Obama’s stimulus plan. Republicans of course have looked at the plan and have questioned whether or not it contains the right mix of tax breaks and cash infusions to jump-start the economy. Leave it to conservative fat cats to worry about their greed and completely ignore the hidden health care plan that has been proposed.
House resolution 1 EH will affect every individual in the United States. The Resolution states that your medical treatments will be tracked electronically by a federal system. Having electronic medical records at your fingertips, you can easily have them transferred to any hospital. However with convenience comes conditions.
One new bureaucracy, The National Coordinator of Health Information Technology, will monitor treatments to make sure your doctor is doing what the federal government deems appropriate and cost effective. The goal is to reduce costs and “guide” your doctor’s decisions.
If your Doctor goes beyond what is proposed for adequate treatment he or she could face penalties. So if you have an a-typical condition or a genetic defect you could be inadequately cared for. This could result in your death. The National Board of Health Information Technology can approve or reject treatments using a formula that divides the cost of the treatment by the number of years the patient is likely to benefit. Treatments for younger patients are more often approved than treatments for diseases that affect the elderly.
They also want to limit critical care and experimental medicine in order for universal care to be cost effective. Every experimental procedure will have to face approval by the board. This contributes to population controls and eugenics. Just deny life-giving medical treatment to the disabled and elderly and you have plausible deniability in contributing to zero population growth.
Technology and advancements of science give us the ability to also implement measures of preventative medicine, Advancements in genetic research are on the ready to provide each parent with a blueprint of their child and even the ability to create designer children. This also gives parents a way to see if their child will be born with defects. Some parents might be pressured to abort a baby that may be considered undesirable.
Every baby born a decade from now will have its genetic code mapped at birth. A complete DNA read-out for every newborn will be technically feasible and affordable in less than five years, this according to the genetic company Illumina which is preparing to launch a whole-genome mapping service within two years. It has already begun seeking consent from its first customers, who are likely to pay between $10,000 and $20,000 for this service.
Genotyping services, which examine about 2 million of the genome’s 6 billion DNA letters for clues to disease, are already available to consumers for about $1,000. Those with deeper pockets can have their whole genome mapped for about $100,000 .
This is where I question the research of the microchip mark of the beast believers, Many people believe that a chip implanted in the body could very well be what was predicted in the book of the apocalypse as “the mark”. However it seems that genetic mapping could very well be the “marker” that can decide where you belong in the system. Can the name “Illumina” be more obvious? A name meaning “illuminating” or “revealing” hidden secrets of the human genome? Hidden secrets about you using your blood as the mark that determines where you fit in the New government of the beast?
The truth is that your Carbon Footprint is the mark of the beast. Your impact on the economy and environment will determine your ability to buy and sell, even live.
If we reduce all living things to carbon we reduce them to 6 protons, 6 neutrons and 6 electrons or 666. The number of man is 6. This number is even shown to be that of man in Taoism. The number of man’s society is also 6. The number of the World and the Demiurge is 6. So we break down the blood in the genome to its purest form and we determine that it is 666.
Your Carbon Footprint!
It isn’t some random chip or tracking device, it is your personal genome, your DNA, the mark of the beast is the mark given to you that indicates your ability to either be a slave or a king.
Buried deep within United States Code in Title 42 is a section numbered “666” (cited, 42 USC 666) which deals with the establishment of “blood” paternity and the enforcement of child support. It sets procedures the states must follow in order to get the massive federal block grants established under the section. Paternity is proven through genetic blood sampling for DNA in order to provide welfare from the state. Is this a coincidence?
Biotech companies are now offering test screenings for babies to detect Down’s syndrome. Abortion opponents fear that the technology may prompt more couples to terminate pregnancies. And advocates for the disabled worry that more of them may feel pressured to abort. They also fear that if the number of those born with the condition dwindles, there could be more discrimination. Ask yourself honestly, if you knew that your child would be born with horrible defects would you allow it to be born?
Even the Pope is now seeing that Eugenics policies are returning as a “quick fix” to global woes and warns against them . He even stated that “genetic reductionism” is not the answer to eliminating threats to the environment. If the agenda of Global sustainability in the face of climate change did not include the reduction of human life through Eugenics then why would the Pope make reference to this? He mentioned it because he sees it as the biblical fulfillment as the mark of the beast.
The economic hardship that the world faces is also creating a climate favorable to population and eugenics policies. House speaker Nancy Pelosi recently stated that family planning services are a must during these economic times.
One of President Obama’s first decisions after being sworn into office included the reversal of Ronald Reagan’s ban on United States funding of international family planning groups that provide abortion services. The issue of abortion has been consistently used as a political football to maintain the theatre of the two party system, but the practice remains at the heart of Rockefeller-sponsored population control directive.
In 2007 The United Kingdom’s Ministry of Defense released The DCDC Global Strategic Trends Program 2007-2036 report. The report outlines a grim economic future of middle class rebellion amidst falling standards of living, brain chip implants , and other forecasts. One scenario in particular states that youth in western societies could see the growing elderly population as a burden, opening the doorway to euthanasia.
Beginning in 1940, thousands of Germans taken from old age homes, mental institutions and other custodial facilities were systematically gassed. Between 50,000 and 100,000 were eventually killed. A similar example was the Terri Schiavo case where she was disconnected from life support after being in a progressive vegetative state. Schiavo was literally starved to death. She was a grim poster child in the argument for the practice of the Eugenics directive.
She was marked for destruction because she was determined to be a burden on society. She had withheld from her, food and water. No ability to survive, determined to be a slave.
Coincidentally Schiavo is Italian for slave.
Barack Obama stated in the debates that one of his biggest mistakes in the senate was that he should have stayed in the Senate and fought more for making sure that Terri’s parents couldn’t take their case to federal court to save her life.
Remember what the bible says concerning the mark? He causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their foreheads, and that no one may buy or sell except one who has the mark or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. Here is wisdom. Let him who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a MAN His number is 666.
In your hand is the place where you can prick your finger to leave the drop of identification that has 6 protons 6 neutrons and 6 electrons. It is in your head where the acceptance of the mark determines the way you see yourself. It is where your spirit is and where your soul dwells.
The growing economic crisis, and numerous other crises both real and manufactured, will be held as an example of the need for a new army of social workers and bureaucracy to manage the affairs of average men and women. Among all of the other proposals that the elite are throwing at us to “fix” these problems, such as world governance, The control of food sources and water, the proposal for Global sustainability and other population control proposals in agenda 21 could become a reality. The needs of the superior humans would outweigh those who are genetically defective. Having your carbon footprint mapped out would lead to a Genome 666. The project set aside for purity of the human species and the elimination of the imperfect.
The mark of the beast is evident, a chip is too easy and who would want to accept something with such a bad PR campaign behind it?
You have what they want – that is your blood. It is the key to what you are. The contents of what is behind your forehead determines your spiritual wellbeing.
When both are compromised for material gain, you begin to see the destruction of the human spirit for the spirit of corruption.

Written by Ron Patton



Ron Patton | July 1, 2011


After last night’s show on eschatology it became evident that there were several people who have fallen victim to pop eschatology and for lack of a better metaphor choose top see the microchip as the Mark of the beast. Every time i tried to ask if there was any scripture that said that the Mark of the beast would be a chip or something that would be subcutaneous, no one could give me a direct answer. It was a bit disturbing to see how pop—apocalypse theory that was completely incorrect has kept everyone vigilant against the possibility of using a chip for buying and selling. Therefore the mark of the beast is the chip and there seems to be a unanimous misleading interpretation of such things.
If the chip used for identification is the mark of the beast, then why have we not rejected the Social security number, the various id cards, and passports as the Marks of the beast system when we know full well that without these credentials and documents we cannot do any commerce? Money itself is also a mark for commerce and is used by everyone, even Christians and yet this too has been ignored by people with paranoid chips on their shoulders.

Written by Ron Patton

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