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Posted on December 15th, 2021 by Clyde Lewis


In the weird world of the paranormal there are certainly a lot of strange, often eye-brow raising things that are reportedly seen and encountered. From ghosts, to aliens, demons, angels, and everything in between, there is no shortage of bizarre things that people claim to see.

In fact, Christmas time is a very paranormal tome undefined some argue it is more paranormal than Halloween,

Moreover, there is a contingency of people who during the holidays have seen gnomes, or have experienced seen elves.

I know that sounds silly but in reality, apart from Krampus being a holiday demon undefined the little people are seen in places like Norway and Iceland.

Despite a great many people knowing that Norway is awash with folklore, many would be hard-pressed to name a Norwegian folk narrative beyond the folk tales “The Three Billy-goats Gruff”- That was one of may favorite stories when I was very young undefined as Goats would have to face a troll that lives under a bridge.

Elves and trolls are considered preternatural creatures- and they are far from the cute toy makers that are seen in a Rankin Bass Rudolf TV show.

They are far to dangerous to be making cookies either.

Trolls are one of the most prolific preternatural creatures in Norwegian folk narratives; and believe it or not they are known to eat human flesh. Trolls are Giant creatures while the elves are smaller undefined and of course gnomes are a mischievous group,

The gallery of Norwegian preternaturals also encompasses a number of hidden folk who are analogous to the fairies of other regional lores, chiefly the hulder-folk and the tusse-folk. The Norwegian word hulder comes from the Old Norse word huldú, which means “dark,” “hidden,” “covered,” “latent” Tusse comes from the Old Norse Þurs, which means “giant;” the word has evolved in Norwegian, though, now denoting something a folk that in many ways is similar to be the hulder-folk.Huldufólk - Wikipedia

The nisse, or nis, is a small but powerful subterranean creature that is to be found in local legends, rather than the folktales. He typically wears a red woolen hat, as do a great many people in the folklore of the period in fact red woollen hats were outlawed by the occupying German forces in the second world war as an unacceptable expression of Norwegian nationalism and therefore resistance.

The word “nisse” comes from the given name Nils, which itself is derived from the Greek Nikolaos, suggesting a connection to Julenissen (the Christmas nisse) which of course is what we call Santa Claus.

The legend derived from the reality has its roots in the Nisse an elf or fairy folk undefined and of course Krampus is a wood demon that represents the horned god undefined that harms children.

The horned God is connected to Saturn or Cronus undefined the god that ate his children.

There are also Troll hags or yule witches that are also part of the folk tale. Troll hags are known for their love potions and drugs that are used to fool people into having sex with them or to marry them during the yule.

They are called Heksundefined they hold black sabbaths in churches, steal milk, have congress with the devil, and are burned when found out.

The Heks, are well versed in using tinctures and positions that they give to farmers to have them hallucinate- some have euphoric visions that mesmerize them into falling in love with the troll hags.

These histories and myths are useful in understanding why and how the appearance of elves are prevalent in winter tales.

But there is more to the story undefined and as we explore Christmas mythologies we may want to dig deeper into the unconscious mind as we may find that these little men, or these beings may have an uncanny resemblance to aliens and demons that are buried inside our minds.

The psychedelic drug DMT can conjure powerful visions. In low doses, people often hallucinate fractal patterns, geometric shapes, and distortions in the physical space around them. But things get much stranger with higher doses.N,N-Dimethyltryptamine - Wikipedia

When people consume enough DMT (N,N-Dimethyltryptamine) to have a “breakthrough” experience, they often encounter beings commonly known as ‘elves’ that seem autonomous, existing in a reality separate from our own.

The form and nature of DMT elves vary in reports, but one thing remains curiously constant: People tend to rank these encounters among the most meaningful experiences of their lives. For some people, these encounters change their beliefs about reality, the existence of an afterlife, and God.

A recent survey provides some of the most detailed information about these encounters to date. Published in the Journal of Psychopharmacology, the survey includes responses from 2,561 adults about their single most memorable encounter with a being or beings after smoking or vaping DMT. DMT is an endogenous chemical, meaning the body produces it naturally, though it’s currently a Schedule I drug in the U.S.

Most respondents had used DMT about a dozen times in their life. The survey excluded experiences in which people consumed other drugs with DMT, and it didn’t include experiences with Ayahuasca, which is a brew that contains DMT.I was sexually abused by a shaman at an ayahuasca retreat' - BBC News

People described the entities in different ways. The most commonly chosen labels “were “being“guide,” “spirit,” “alienor “helper.undefined Other labels selected by small proportions of respondents included the terms “elf,” “angel,” “religious personage,” or “plant spirit,” and very few (reporting the terms “gnome,” “monster,” or a “ghost.”

“When asked about the attributes of the entity, a majority of the sample reported that the entity was conscious, intelligent , benevolent, sacred , had agency in the world (and was positively judgmental Fewer reported that the entity was petitionable negatively judgmental , or malicious .undefined

About two-thirds of respondents said they received “a message, task, mission, purpose, or insight from the entity encounter experience.”

What kinds of messages? Some people were shown that death isn’t the end, that everything and everyone is connected. Others had personal insights revealed to them, such as bad behaviors that they should stop.

About one-quarter of respondents said they were atheist before the encounter, but only 10 percent said they were after.

Additionally, approximately one-third of respondents reported that before the encounter their belief system included a belief in ultimate reality, higher power, God, or universal divinity, but a significantly larger percentage of respondents reported this belief system after the encounter.”

What’s more, 89 percent of respondents said the encounter led to lasting improvements in well-being or life-satisfaction. Why? The researchers suggested that “ontological shock” — the state of being forced to question your worldview — may “play an important role in the enduring positive life changes in attitudes, moods, and behavior attributed to these experiences.

The study also noted that DMT encounters have a lot in common with near-death and alien-abduction experiences, which also have been shown to produce long-lasting changes in personal beliefs.

Do DMT entities actually exist in some other dimension, or are they hallucinations that the brain generates when its visual processing system is overwhelmed by a powerful tryptamine?

The late American ethnobotanist Terence McKenna believed that DMT beings — which he called “machine elves” — were real. Here’s how he once described one of his DMT experiences:

“I sank to the floor. I [experienced] this hallucination of tumbling forward into these fractal geometric spaces made of light and then I found myself in the equivalent of the Pope’s private chapel and there were insect elf machines proffering strange little tablets with strange writing on them, and I was aghast, completely appalled, because [in] a matter of seconds… my entire expectation of the nature of the world was just being shredded in front of me. I’ve never actually gotten over it.73 Mind-Blowing Terence Mckenna Quotes - Sofo Archon

These self-transforming machine elf creatures were speaking in a colored language which condensed into rotating machines that were like Fabergé eggs but crafted out of luminescent superconducting ceramics and liquid crystal gels. All this stuff was just so weird and so alien and so un-English-able that it was a complete shock — I mean, the literal turning inside out of [my] intellectual universe!”

McKenna believed machine elves exist in alternate realities, which form a “raging universe of active intelligence that is transhuman, hyperdimensional, and extremely alien.” But he was far from the first to believe that DMT is a doorway to other realms.

Indigenous peoples of the Amazon basin have used Ayahuasca in religious ceremonies for centuries, though no one is quite sure when they first started experimenting with the psychedelic brew.

The Jibaro people of the Ecuadorian rainforest believed Ayahuasca allowed regular people, not just shamans, to speak directly to the gods.shaman-and-plant-medicine-in-the-mountains-of-ecuador-547549

In the West, research on DMT experiences has been sparse yet interesting. The psychiatrist Rick Strassman conducted some of the first human DMT trials at the University of New Mexico in the early 1990s. He found that “at least half” of his research subjects had encountered some form of entity after taking DMT.DMT: The Spirit Molecule: A Doctor's Revolutionary Research into the  Biology of Near-Death and Mystical Experiences - Kindle edition by Strassman,  Rick. Religion & Spirituality Kindle eBooks @ Amazon.com.

Of course, many people believe that DMT elves are merely hallucinations. But the question remains: Why do so many people encounter similar beings?

There’s a lot of questions about their origins — are they inhabitants of another dimension? Are they spirits or souls of past humans? Are they divine beings or angels? Or are they a byproduct of our natural tendency to pick out anthropomorphic patterns in otherwise meaningless patterns?

Nobody knows for sure, but there have been some interesting attempts to catalog these beings to better understand what they are.

These beings appear sentient and autonomous. They’ll try to communicate with you, study you, show you different objects or locations, and will sometimes even play little pranks on you or tease you.

DMT machine elves have many different names:

Self-Transforming Machine Elves

Clockwork Elves

DMT Aliens

DMT Entities

Fractal Elves


Divine Beings

Angels or Spirits

One of the most curious themes of these beings is that most people who encounter them agree they have some sort of agenda (though it’s not clear what that agenda might be).

The machine elves almost always have something important to show us, but how people interpret their actions can vary a lot. Sometimes they seem malicious — they may criticize or mock us for aspects of our personality we aren’t proud of. But ultimately, this criticism is viewed as a positive catalyst for changing negative aspects of one’s personality.What Are The Machine Elves?

Other times, machine elves are playful and provide constructive insights into problems we face in our personal lives or within society.

It’s notoriously difficult to describe the physical appearance of machine elves because of how rapidly and dramatically they change form.

On top of this, they’re often made up entirely of fractal shapes and complex geometric patterns, which are constantly changing and evolving into new patterns. Some people see them as animal forms; others experience these entities as classic sci-fi-styled aliens.

The general consensus is that these entities are humanoid, sentient, and exist in a world where everything is made up of fractal patterns.

There’s no proof that DMT entities are real, and there’s no proof they aren’t. We’ll never know for sure.

The real question to ask here is, “what does ‘real’ even mean?”

The branch of metaphysics that deals with this question is called ontology. The ontological status of something relays what’s considered real and what’s imaginary.

There are two schools of thought regarding what’s real and what’s imaginary that could be used to determine whether DMT entities are real or imagined.

Anything with a physical form is real, everything beyond that is imaginary. In order to exist, something must involve observable phenomena. In other words, we must be able to detect the existence of something using our own eyes or scientific instruments like a microscope or telescope.

Anything that can’t be physically observed or detected is therefore imaginary (not real).

By this thesis, DMT entities are not real because they don’t have a detectable physical form.

However, reality is created entirely in the mind of the beholder. It is what we think it is.

By this measurement, DMT entities are real if they’re experienced. They don’t need a physical manifestation to exist.

When you’re experiencing something, it’s as real as it gets. Whatever experience you’re having is real by all accounts. You’re there, living it at the moment. Just because it’s no longer there when you come out of the trip doesn’t mean it didn’t happen.

This is the same for dreams — when you’re in the dream, it’s really happening. The experiences you’re engaging in are happening in the present moment. It’s only once you wake up that you realize it was a dream — separate from the reality we experience during waking consciousness.

Many people report the DMT experience feels “more real than reality itself.” It’s as if the reality we experience on a daily basis is the delusion, and the DMT realm is the true reality.Brain wave study: Why a DMT trip is like entering an alternate reality

It is as if you travel into a Psychedelic hyperspace.

If you’ve never used DMT before, there’s something you need to understand about this place. The place DMT takes you (wherever that may be) is undeniably geometric and chaotic. It consists of infinite fractals and ever-changing patterns.

The deeper you go, the more complex the geometry gets.

Carl Jung proposed the idea of the collective unconscious. This theory suggests that all members of the human species have access to a sphere of consciousness beyond our individual experience.

Ideas, experiences, and memories of humans that lived before us are saved in some kind of ethereal database. When we’re born, we bring fragments of these experiences with us.

Some of these memories are functional — like providing a newborn baby with the know-how to crawl up to their mother’s breast for food within minutes of being born.

Other memories aren’t necessarily functional but still exert an influence over who we are and how we think and act. These memories are totally outside our conscious experience. They’re in our minds, subtly influencing our thoughts and behaviors, but just out of reach for us to be able to notice them. This is why Jung referred to it as the collective unconscious.

He developed the concept of shadow work as a way to uncover one’s unconscious influences. Today, psychedelics are considered a key aspect of this process because of how effective they are at dislodging unconscious thoughts and ideas.

Could DMT elves be the manifestation of the collective unconscious?

This could explain why machine elves share so many similarities from one person to another and why they’re so keen to provide us with information that has a direct benefit on society.

Maybe these entities are locked away in our unconscious mind undefined and at times, the DMT in the brain can be release and this is why we have out of body experiences, encounters with, angels, demons, and even elves.