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Posted on March 27th, 2020 by Clyde Lewis


There have been many occasions where I have declared that I am a Fortean. When I say this there are a few people out there that without understanding believe that it is some new religion they have never heard of and tell me that I need Jesus and being a follower of Charles Fort is a sin.

I can safely tell you that being a Fortean is probably about as harmless as being a Trekkie or an avid fan of the X-Files. Charles Fort was widely known as the chronicler of what are now called “Forteana,” bizarre anomalies and mysteries that change the current perception of reality, whether it be religious or scientific.

This puts me in that neutral position about anomalous topics and the strangeness of what life is. The miracle of what we witness every day no matter how bizarre or frightening.

People fear what they do not understand.

In order to overcome fears and prejudices, it is important to embrace that which you fear, learn about it, and then it will become less of a source of anxiety. However, there are some people that are trapped in the illusions. They do not realize that much of what they think is truth changes like that of a hat or a t-shirt and then it becomes a shocking blow to their cognitive resonance.

Millions are convinced, merely on the words of others, that there are invisible creatures of such as gods, messiahs, virgin mothers, angels, and devils, who are directing life behind the scenes.

In the Fortean world, you’ve got your all-time classics like ghosts, Bigfoot, UFOs and the Loch Ness monster: the kind of perennial mysteries that have been around long before any of us, and are likely to continue popping in occasionally while inhabiting their particular niche of popular culture long after all of us leave our mortal coil. But you’ve also got your more seasonal mysteries, which may catch the imagination of the public and the occasional attention of mainstream media– for just a limited amount of time; until they eventually ‘fizzle out’ either because people lose interest, or because the weird events stop just as enigmatically as they started.

Take for example the sky sounds or the sounds of horns that have been heard all over the world. This is a mystery that really had no explanation and there are occasions when people hear the sounds of trumpets heard echoing through the sky.

Scientists tried to even explain the phenomenon as “sky quakes” where perhaps we are hearing sounds coming from the earth or that what may be heard are the sounds of large space rocks passing by the earth.

Still there was nothing conclusive. There have not been any real new accounts of these horns being sounded However, the phantom horn sounds are now being remembered at this time because many people are now talking about them online wondering if this was the blowing of the trumpets spoken of in apocalyptic writings.

Throughout the Book of the Apocalypse there is the account by the Apostle John of hearing trumpets blowing signaling another fulfillment of prophecy. While no one really counts on a literal event of trumpets blowing the sounds being heard years before what is happening now is compelling.

The apocalypse stories tell us that only the “good” survive the ordeal that the gods play favorites in the game, however it may become prudent to understand that throughout history it has not been a matter of good and bad that guarantees life and endurance, it has been a matter of survival of the fittest. Our various evils over time have been adjusted to fit the epoch, and so we see that without a moral compass the amorality of human kind will once again place it in a place of survival and endurance.

The horn sounds made their debut on the internet in the year 2012 however, there have been accounts of these horn sound as far back as 2010. No one thought to record the sounds until 2011 and by 2012 they all went viral.

Needless to say some people hoaxed some the recordings meaning that they duplicated the phenomenon from a laptop on to a cell phone.

On March 22nd, there was an earthquake in Croatia where many people heard what they can only described as demons coming up from the ground.


Of course skeptics will say that if one is faked then they all can be fakedundefined but they weren’t and the timing of the trumpets being blown all around the time the Mayans declared that we would see the end of the cycle of creation certainly speaks volumes and make you wonder if what we were hearing was the earth responding to the changes into a new paradigm.

Theoretical physicist, Stephen Hawking, commented about the Higgs potential, in reference to the potential energy of the Higgs field. When CERN was doing their experiments Hawking said that the Higgs field “has the worrisome feature that it might become metastable at energies above 100bn gigaelectronvolts.

However, scientists believe that we are probably living in a metastable state under the right amount of energy and we have nothing to worry about. But the concern is that we might have vanished into an alternate universe without ever knowing such a thing happened.

Scientist would have to detect a vacuum decay but it would happen at the speed of light – some even say at the speed of thought.

Even if you blink you would miss the experience on a quantum level – we would not feel it, but as things slow down – we would be able to see that the earth would respond. it would respond with many earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, magnetic pole shifts, temporal shifts, and strange anomalies in the sky.

Since the Higgs Field is everywhere, there nothing that is stopping it from taking us to an alternate universe, one with little difference to our own.

There are old references in biblical writings about what is called the Olam – which is the highest realm in a dimension where the earth will eventually end up in the last days.

No less than 11 times do we see in the reference to where God may live. God’s home or Kingdom as an Olam. An Olam expands to many worlds and as is said in the scripture: “many mansions.”

“In my Father’s house (Olam) are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. — John 14:2

The phrase “min olam ve-ad olam” is best translated as “from the remote past to the remote future.”

Moving into a different earth – or an Olam within Olam – is witnessed by mankind in a twinkling of an eye.

Usually in prophecies in the bible that when the trumpets are heard the heavens open and then come the seven events that indicate that the world is heading towards a major change.

Some will say it is the end of the world but it just may be the end of one way of life and a thrust into a new paradigm.

“From the remote past to the remote future.”

The years leading up to 2020 can be seen as unbelievable as a worldwide pandemic has people in its grip.

Again as with all things in this epoch we are hearing the word biblical as an adjective to describe the events that are happening now.

It is hard to tell whether we have been through some form of universal decay—and some scientists are trying to test the theory speaking of the planet being swallowed up into a bubble of nothing.

We are now the spectators of the earth changes and as we are asked to stay in our homes we are being put into the awkward position of being a-causal beings or an NPC or non-player character.

There are plenty of theorists and those who think out of the box that believe we are being told to stay in our homes so that we will not be able to witness what may be happening in the skies or in the environment around us.

There is a new phenomenon that is happening with Fortean frequency that cannot be put into the category of mere UFO’s – they are called many things from ghost rockets, to beam ships, light plasmas, angel phenomenon to phantom ships that are hovering in the sky like sentinels standing guard over the planet.

In San Carlos Argentina a rainbow appeared in the sky as a misty rain fell in the area. The clouds parted for a brief moment and there was a figure seen in the clouds. At first the people thought they were seeing an angel and eventually others said that they were seeing the appearance of the Virgin Mary in the sky above them.

Local media reported that it was a trick of light however many residents were seeing it as an intervention—some sort of deliverance from the coronavirus.

Argentina has had 589 confirmed cases of Covid-19, with 12 deaths.

After a moderate earthquake that shook most of the state of Utah, the gold Angel Maroni statute a top the latter day saint temple dropped its horn.

Another strange event took place near the Farallon Islands Light house near San Francisco.

A mirage known as Fata Morgana reconstructed the light house creating an image of the statue in Brazil known as Christ the Redeemer.

Fata Morgana is a weird sunset mirage phenomenon produced by strong temperature inversions. When light passes through a layer of unusually cold air hanging just above the sea surface, shapes get distorted and stretched in fantastical ways.

The light house shifted in the light and the transformed into what appeared to be the famous Christ statue seen in Rio De Janeiro, Brazil.

Meanwhile a very strange object – something described as a light being or a personage traveling in light has been sighted in the south region of Mexico – Baja California and Ecuador.

Video of the object shows something that looks like a white UFO, however, people who see it claim that it looks like there is a person that is engulfed in light.


Another anomaly that is similar was filmed over Scotland.


People are also reporting things in the sky that look out of place — there was a viral video making the round on the net that reports to show what some people are saying is a wormhole over Jerusalem while others are saying that it was nothing more than a horizontal forming tornado. There are others that claim that it is clever CGI.

There have also been reports of UFO’s over Idaho, fireballs in the Midwest and people are still seeing a string of lights that certainly are the Starlink satellites.

In El Paso,Texas a swarm of red UFOs were seen. Four seemed clustered in a group with a bottom orb appearing to flash much like a plane. Ahead of them, a further four can be seen flying away in a line.

What is most disconcerting is that while these anomalies can be written off as aircraft –we know that due to the Coronavirus air travel has been cutback substantially.

So are we seeing phantom ships – meaning aircraft that aren’t you typical UFO’s or are we seeing drones?

No one knows for sure but since the lockdown more people are stepping outside and looking up and seeing these anomalies that can be describes as a spiritual experience regardless of any logical explanation.

What is being seen are powerful images that trigger feelings from the unconscious mind.

Comet Atlasundefineds journey through our solar system is making the wandering ice rock brighter every day, and experts believe it could become as bright as the Moon.

By late May, it will only be 0.25 AU away from the Sun – one AU (astronomical unit) is equivalent to the distance between the Earth and the Sun – and getting closer.

When it approaches the Sun, it could become as bright as a waxing crescent Moon.

Some see this as an omen to nations and that mighty kingdoms shall fall and that others will rise up and form to alliances.

All of this of course can be attributed to end of the world hysteria or these things can be very real and possibly a fulfillment of what we have been told is going to happen in the apocalypse.

In the Book of Acts in the Bible it says:

‘And it shall come to pass in the last days, says God, That I will pour out of My Spirit on all flesh; Your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your young men shall see visions, your old men shall dream dreams.undefined

Today it was reported that Scientists that do sleep studies are reporting that the stress of being in lockdown is actually causing people to have what can be called apocalyptic dreams.

Increased financial pressures, cabin fever, and a lack of stimulation caused by staying at home for days on end could all result in significant changes to the dreams people are having, said Professor Mark Blagrove, a leading expert in sleep and dreaming at Swansea University’s department of psychology.

Prof. Blagrove said there was a metaphorical “replication of life in dreams” which focuses on the “more emotional side”. He said: “For a lot of people, they won’t dream about their working life because, generally, it’s not that interesting.

“But if the current situation gives people more interesting things happening, it may happen that people are dreaming more.”

Professor Blagrove said that with workers no longer having to commute to their offices following the outbreak of COVID-19, there is a greater opportunity for people to sleep in, allowing them more opportunity to dream.

This has a particular impact on REM sleep, where dreams get longer and the brain is more active the later into the slumber they occur.

He said: “Alarm clocks will often wake you up in the middle of a REM sleep period. If you’re allowing the person to have the long sleep period, they could have longer dreams.

People are also having more dreams about their dead loved ones or loved ones that they haven’t seen in a while.

The dreams are quite emotional and they feel very real.

This is somewhat indicative of synchromysticism.

The mind is gathering from unconscious metaphor and so we are seeing angels, and demons and phantom ships in the skies.

All these things are retro causal visions that we have been programmed to see or that perhaps we have hidden deep in our DNA. It could be even deep into or spiritual core.

No one can explain, predict and, therefore, be able to control the events and phenomena in question. Therefore, when dealing with meaningful coincidence in current events, one has to remember what happened in the past, how it applies to the present, and what it means for cause and effect in the future.

When you are in your own head, it can become a very uncomfortable place—when the veil is lifted everything imagined becomes real on a quantum level.

There are plenty of websites that have been developed by Dispensationalists in which the argument is presented that in order to be a “consistent futurist,” you cannot contend that prophecies are being fulfilled today.

However, the world has longer become consistent and everything we are experiencing cannot be explained in simple terms. Everything is so complex and we are now realizing the fragility of life.

Seeing angels or demons, phantom ships or chariots of fire is all part of what you believe and how your mind constructs the anomaly.

It does not matter if you are told they are just weather balloons of the gods – the experience you are having can trigger all sorts of emotions and to you they are very real.

One man’s alien is another man’s demon and even though they may differ in substance the trigger is what brings about psychological changes.

Charles Fort explains that all people have a tendency to be hypnotics. He has said that if the proper authority saw to it that the proper belief should be induced, the people would believe properly like good little sheep. He also believed that if god was the universal mind, he didn’t always have to act in a manner that was sane.

This is why we live in this world of remarkable and crazy things.

It is said that we live in perilous times, and often, while in the middle of them, we seem to have some sort of epiphany that while we believe our little paranormal thoughts in church, we can openly pretend that no one answers prayers or doles out miracles or scrawls out little words on Ouija boards.

But we have realized that this is happening; that all things foretold are now being fulfilled – there will be times where all will quite down and then things will heat up again.

The Universe is always a case of unfinished business.
