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Posted on June 21st, 2021 by Clyde Lewis


I know that many people are preoccupied with politics and while I have some concern, I cannot stop the world from spinning - everyday distractions like COVID-19 and civil upheaval have captured our attention, and there are still major moves being made to push people into surrendering their sovereignty for initiation into a new system of dots and numbers.

The value of the human being is about to be diminished as we move into a more transhuman existence.

Becoming a pawn in the new empire is all but guaranteed with the technocracy’s plan to use “the science” to change the way we live – it will even make us question what it truly means to be human.

Because so much of what’s being discussed has become part of everyday, normal life for many people, they fail to notice what it all means and where it is leading. But it’s important to step outside of the box and to become aware, if only not to aid unknowingly in the propagation of what is to come and what is currently happening and to protect the next generation in any way we can.

Transhumanism promises us a fantastic future in which humans overcome disease, aging, and even death. It just requires us to take the final step and merge fully with machines. But its secret past in crypto-eugenics reveals a darker future, one in which a GenRich elite rule over the GenPoor masses. Are you ready to give up your humanity?

Are we ready to become completely dependent on technology? Are we going to take for granted that machines will do the will of their creators and when does the line between transhumanism and eugenics end?

What if the singularity becomes a means to control humans, making us slaves to mechanized overlords? I know this question has been asked before and there have been countless sci fi tropes in movies like the Matrix or The Terminator series that paint a dark picture of this type of event happening undefined but what if the so called alien simulation that everyone is warning us about is not about aliens at all but about a simulated singularity where we are fooled into believing that there has been some sort of rebellion of the machines and the cover story for it all is an alien invasion.

It will begin with simple attacks on the grid -and a manipulation of the Internet of Things.

For example:

Just a few days ago people in the Houston area said their homes had been much warmer, even while they are running their air conditioners. Many were baffled as to why this was happening.Texas power companies automatically raised the temperature of customers' smart thermostats in the middle of a heatwaveFinally, it was revealed that many residents who could not get their homes cooled were victims of a remote controlled adjustment of their thermostats.

Their undefinedsmartundefined web-connected thermostats were changed without their permission after the stateundefineds electricity operators had warned of another round of power shortages amid a heat wave.

The thermostats were raised to 78 degrees without their knowledge - sometimes even as families slept in the middle of the night. Raising the temperature on the thermostat would cause an air conditioner to run less - therefore using less power.

This is a case of Big Brother remotely controlling the internet of things because of fears that the grid would fail during the heat wave.

Last year a rolling blackouts left millions without power and 700 dead during what was called undefinedDark Winter.undefined

Itundefineds not clear how many thermostats were changed.

It turns out, people had handed over control of their thermostats - at least some people not realizing it - when they signed up for a sweepstakes called undefinedSmart Savers Texasundefined operated by a company called Energy Hub. The sweepstakes entered them into a contest to win free electricity for a year.

But in exchange for entering the contest, customers had to opt-into in to a program that allows power companies to remotely adjust web-connected undefinedsmartundefined thermostats when energy demands are high.

Again it appears that another bribing scheme was used for crowd management undefined just like bribing people to get COVID-19 shots undefined the energy barons of Texas can have access to your smart meter if you enter a sweepstakes.

However, what is most disconcerting is that while this was done because people opted in undefined there is a chance that hackers can do the same to many other smart homes undefined and this would not only affect thermostats but any other mechanisms that would be connected to the massive grid or what would be simply the Internet of Things.

It’s amusing as well as alarming when industry folks go to great lengths to depict “Smart Homes” as something desirable now and in the future. For many years already, experts have warned about privacy and cybersecurity risks associated with ALL “Smart” and wireless technology including “Smart Home” appliances and technology. In fact, Samsung has discontinued its Smart Home “SmartThings Ecosystem”.

In regard to utility “Smart” Meters – electric, gas, and water – they are also privacy invasive and at a high risk for cybersecurity issues. Additionally, they have been associated with HIGHER bills, fires, explosions, and other inconveniences including health problems (which have led to lawsuits Many utility companies now offer “opt out” programs because of all the complaints.)

Nevertheless, smart tech experts have stuff to sell so they aren’t going to mention any of that.

From health monitoring to biometric sensors in every corner, by 2071 our homes could virtually run themselves, according to insight from a leading smart tech expert.

With the recent announcement of the 2025 ban on fossil fuels this of course includes bans on gas boilers and the government’s focus on slashing carbon emissions, making changes to live more sustainably as a priority.

This shows that our dependence is already programming us for the assimilation process. The assimilation process is there to ease us into the dependence on the internet of things.

Arguments exist for accelerating the marriage of technology and warfare under the banner of transhumanism.

However, it also can be seen as crypto eugenics which would be our own machines becoming alien invaders - as we interlink with them.

Texans have learned that handing power over to undefinedsmart networksundefined even for a chance at winning something is a lose situation.

When our technology glitches in a big way, we start to feel a little insecure and frustrated because our cognitive tool we use for controlling our lives or the extension of our soul is faulty and so when data is lost, phone numbers and contacts vanish we feel helpless.

However, willingly handing power over to the machines without checks and balances on their ability to reprogram themselves for autonomy and their risk of being hacked . The thermostat incident was intentional but what if something more serious was to happen undefined or what if machines reach their point of singularity undefined or what is a massive cyber attack creates a domino effect where our machines turn on us and many people wind up killed .

This could very well be a cyber pandemic undefined or a cyber invasion where computers would be programmed for what is called Battlefield singularity.

For decades, scholars have pondered the likelihood and effect of computers surpassing human intelligence, often referred to as the singularity.

However, a Battlefield singularity could be triggered by a terrorist organization or it very well could be triggered by a machine that has been corrupted undefined or is sending corrupted data.

Think of Ed 209 the battle droid from Robo Cop or the deployment of Skynet form the Terminator films undefined all getting a push from a group of hackers or elitists wishing to make a point for their great reset.

Nice OS You Got There, Shame If Someone Were To Update It - PC Perspective


In the fourth installment of Die Hard, “Live Free or Die Harder,” Gabriel a hacker, successfully shuts down the stock market and transportation grids through a series of
computer hacks. The market fails, transportation services become cumbersome and another hacker believes that the next step for the cyber terrorists is to shut down the
power grids.

Another hacker tells the Bruce Willis character, McClane that whoever is responsible for the grid hacks is trying to run a “fire sale”, to demonstrate the over reliance of the country on computer-controlled systems, creating an “everything must go” situation by shutting down grid systems one by one destroying the entire infrastructure.

While a Fire Sale scenario would be difficult to send computers into battlefield singularity, a number of isolated incidents would occur in order to set the task in motion.

Lets say that at fist Telecom systems glitch and go down temporarily. This is reported in the news as a minor thing and that services will return. With the time down bad actors can analyze the actions the telecoms use to get things back online.

Amtrak reports that signals are not working on train tracks precipitating a head-on collision. LAX then reports problems with air traffic control systems forcing all planes to land and be grounded.

The media reports “Not to worry - these are isolated incidents, an unfortunate set of coincidences.”

Then the problem resumes a couple of days later. Things have gone from bad to worse. The powerundefineds down in four northeastern states, Californiaundefineds water supply has dried up. Nuclear power plants all over the world report problems and are forced to shut down.

Meanwhile, in Tehran, the mullahs are stepping up their rhetoric against the United States and Israel: Iranian tanks are on the move toward Saudi Arabia. This is unfolding on the screenundefined CNN, FOX, MSNBC have people on the ground reporting what appears to be a war that is ensuing.

President Biden suffers form some breakdown and as Tucker Carlson, Anderson Cooper, and George Stephanopoulos ask about the state of mind of the President.

Then the satellites go down undefined no information on the screen undefined in some places internet is down.

The country goes into a cautious stance- as many wait for their leaders and experts to give them direction; however, some people panic and rush to the stores but there is no power to use the cash registers and so food riots begin.

Now thereundefineds no clear direction. For all the heat, there isnundefinedt a great deal of light. For all the talk about new threats, thereundefineds a reflexive grasp for old responses - what was good enough to beat the Soviet Union and Saddam Hussein will be good enough to beat a bunch of hackers. Smarter hardware, says the Pentagon. Bigger ears, says the NSA. Better files, says the FBI. And meanwhile in a short while civilization starts to crumbleundefined the cyber pandemic has begun and we await the machines to be thrown into a dead, man’s switch for Battlefield singularity.

This is war undefined but how do we respond?

A little digitally induced confusion might be par for the course in, say, the telecom industry or even on the global financial markets. But warfare is something else altogether. And while the old Washington wheels slowly turn, information technology is undermining most of the worldundefineds accumulated knowledge about armed conflict.

We have already been dealing with ransom ware attacks on our infrastructure and our response has been to acquiesce to the cyber terrorists,

What is an appropriate response? Whoundefineds the first line of defense? What does undefinedcivilianundefined infrastructure mean when 90 percent of the US militaryundefineds communications travel over public networks? Are we ready to again surrender a few or all of our civil liberties in the name of national security? Do we need an Army? A Navy? An Air Force? A Space Force?

Does it matter whether we have them? And how do you encourage free and informed debate about an issue of unimpeachable importance without setting off panic?

It becomes even more of a scary situation when our weapons systems are vulnerable as well. Imagine dispatching autonomous drones to attack civilians or putting nuclear missiles on line.

Not that this would happen immediately undefined not at this time in the game but anything is possible as the military has become more like technomancies, putting everything on a network that also can be vulnerable however unlikely.

The new cold war is in high tech and the superpowers are trying to out do each other in technologies that may appear to be highly advanced undefined indistinguishable from magic or indistinguishable from alien technology.

Consider two types of advanced weaponry that undermine the ideals of an open, democratic humanist nation state:

Robots and drones invite human participants to enter into a shared cognitive space, or a perception of space that replaces or augments normal sensory function , and at the same time allow for easier killing and loose legality. Actor-Network Theory might understand this as lending social agency to machines that exist only to kill – an anti-social social agency?

But also consider the “push-button” nature of extrajudicial killings of American citizens – Like When President Obama ordered the murder Anwar al-Awlaki, in October 2011, for example – and civilians of foreign countries like the dozens killed in the villages of Afghanistan, and the general permissiveness of warfare that drones engender.

Researchers at Fraunhofer FKIE have unveiled a system that teaches drones to hunt down humans by listening to their screams.This drone tracks human screams (to save lives) | Engadget

Fraunhofer FKIEundefineds research fellow Macarena Varela has said that have a lot of experience in filtering noise, such as wind noise, extremely loud helicopter noise, ground vehicles noise, and more.

They use different types of filters to be able to reduce noise, and use diverse detection procedures to extract the signals of interest, such as impulsive sounds or screams.

The drones will be able to measure impulsive sounds, such as screams, and process the data with different methods to also estimate the geographical positions of the sounds.

In the unlikely event that the technology does get used for other purposes, staying silent may not be enough: another team at the Institute for Bioengineering of Catalonia has unveiled SNIFFDRONE, which uses chemical sensors capable of homing in on the smell of excrement which would likely fill a survivorundefineds underpants as they flee the oncoming robot horde.sniffdrone hashtag on Twitter

SNIFFDRONE has been developed with a benign purpose in mind: The developed drone allows, thanks to a combination of chemical sensors and artificial intelligence, to quickly assess the intensity of the odor emitted at waste sites – but it can also be used to smell body odor from sweat, urine and fecal material as well.

The targets better stay away from that Porta Potty or latrine.

This is advanced technology that can be used to hunt down and kill someone—pushing us closer to battlefield singularity.

So what do we do? undefinedWeundefinedve created autonomous drone technology over a period of 20 or 30 years. It is going to take 10, 20 years to create an alternative technology that allows us a more sophisticated set of defenses.

Itundefineds like exterminators hunting down roaches – or building the better mousetrap where we are the mice.

DARPA, for instance, is actively soliciting proposals for undefinedresearch and new technology development related to the survivability of large-scale information systems whose continuous operation is critical to the defense and well-being of the nation.

Meaning that if humans can’t keep systems going –war machines take over so that we can be defended and safe – safe because we are protected by machines who can sniff out what you do in the bathroom.

Theyundefinedre talking serious business here. Theyundefinedre talking survivability. And what they have in mind is not just any infrastructure undefinedhardeningundefined; this is cutting-edge stuff, grounded in the latest theories of ecological computing - digital versions of genetic variation and immune response.

Imagine a drone knowing a target just by analyzing its DNA or if it is not immune to a disease – what a way to eliminate anyone who does not fit the eugenics “fitness” test or does not comply with a mandated vaccine.

There are naturally occurring models of survivable systems provided by biological organisms, populations, and societies, according to DARPA .

This research program uses these examples for metaphors and guidance about how to design survivable information systems.

Systems that will survive you and me –and will probably be the deaths of hundreds of thousands of people in the battlefield singularity.

Thinking war machines guiding transhuman troops into battle. Machines that are vulnerable to being hijacked and used against their creators.

When AI battlefield singularity does emerge, it will likely have profound implications for tactical capabilities, as well as strategic and operational decision making. U.S. adversaries, including both China and to a lesser extent Russia, will seek to take advantage of the new possibilities AI singularity offers.

Meanwhile an Ex-Facebook VR exec says he’ll turn U.S. troops into ‘invincible technomancers,’ as he has raised $450 million dollars to upgrade soldiers into technological cyber soldiers.

Anduril founder Palmer Luckey announced Thursday that his start-up has raised an additional $450 million in funding, which will be used to “turn allied warfighters into invincible technomancers.” The company is now valued at $4.6 billion.

Luckey is best known for selling Oculus to Facebook in 2014 for $2 billion before he was fired in 2017 amid controversy for his political donations and financial support of far-right groups. But his announcement of the new funding was unusual.

Luckey says that the money will be used to turn American and allied warfighters into invincible technomancers who wield the power of autonomous systems to safely accomplish their mission.

Technomancers sometimes appear in post-modern role-playing video games and in science fiction, often as sort of magical wizard-like people with technology enhancements.Anduril

Anduril Technologies is a defense company that, among other things, provides border control technology, including towers with cameras and infrared sensors that use artificial intelligence to track movement, in states such as Texas and California.

The company said it’s capable of deploying its artificial intelligence platform, called Lattice, in other places, such as military bases in the U.S. to help detect and track intrusions by other people and vehicles, including drones.

Other tech companies are working to make American troops more lethal. Microsoft, for example, won an Army contract in March worth up to $21.9 billion to provide special versions of its HoloLens augmented reality headsets to U.S. fighters.

We have debated the use of this type of warfare before – and the process of the kill by humans rather than machines who do not reason with their target –especially when it can be hacked or hijacked to turn on its creator.

In order for action to be done, I am afraid that we will have to experience a possible internet Pearl Harbor or await the results of the WEF’s Cyber Polygon to go back into debates on what our response should be to a battlefield singularity and the killer instinct programmed into solders and drones.

Certainly, no elected official is likely to challenge the plausibility of the Battlefield singularity threat, so long as the risk exists that events might spectacularly contradict him. The issues will be how to go about countering the danger, and how to do so without setting off a mêlée over hot-button issues like domestic spying, privacy rights, undefinedhiddenundefined enemies, and official regulation of privately owned networks.

Thatundefineds not just a tactical problem: when the FBI, the NSA, the CIA, and the Pentagon get together to talk about national security, a lot of people start reaching for their copies of the Bill of Rights. And when the threat everyoneundefineds talking about is from faceless foreign hackers, terrorists, and bomb makers - why not throw in a few child pornographers - it is a fair bet that paranoid demagoguery will not be absent.

The debates are still nestled in the 1990’s and many officials still are out of touch with 21st century threats – this is why we are possibly getting the same treatment with the eventual UFO or UAP report due on June 25th– it will simply be a case where adversarial drones are spying on the U.S. and the Pentagon is covering them up with UFO stories.

We may not know the identities of all the mysterious craft that American military personnel and others have been seeing in the skies as of late, but an advanced technical adversary could already be testing the waters for battlefield singularity.