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Posted on August 20th, 2019 by Clyde Lewis




Yesterday, I was voicing my concerns about the United States and the Russian negating or pulling out from the INF treaties. We have been conducting missile tests again and the Russian also had a failed test that released radiation and killed dozens of scientists.

However, there are other treaties and directives of concern that were made about space affairs that also seem to be negated and many people wonder how we have certain directives and treaties in the first place. Are they for us humans or are they in place to placate a so-called peace directive between us and the aliens?

This month, space enthusiasts were shocked to learn that an Israeli lunar lander that crashed into the Moon’s surface in April actually had some passengers aboard: a tiny capsule filled with dehydrated microscopic organisms known as tardigrades.

These little “water bears,” known to withstand very extreme environments, may have survived the wreck. Almost no one knew they were on board until a recent report in Wired revealed they had been added to the mission last minute and without any governmental approval.

The news was met with a mixture of surprise and dismay, with some fearing that these life forms could contaminate the Moon.

The mishap does raise many questions about the protocols surrounding how space-bound payloads are approved. Technically, international guidelines on interplanetary contamination don’t prohibit sending biological matter and organisms to the lunar surface, since most living creatures can’t survive there. But no governing body had a say in the tardigrade matter at all.

The tardigrades were added to the lander by a US nonprofit called the Arch Mission Foundation, whose goal is to create a digital and biological “backup of planet Earth” out in space. The team had the approval to add a digital library on the lander, but they didn’t inform Israel or the United States about the added water bears.

There has been directive after directive that has indicated that we should not contaminate celestial spheres and the question is, why does it matter when we are told there is no life in space or no other species that could be eliminated by our contamination?

The truth is that there is something that can be affected by planet contamination – the only thing is we are not told that there are some things that can live and thrive in the vacuum of space.

When Apollo 12 retrieved parts of the Surveyor 3, which landed on the moon in April of 1967, bacteria was found in the probe. It had survived the launch and managed to stay alive on the airless surface of the moon.

The bacteria were Streptococcus mitis. It is a bacterium that is normally found in the nose and throat. We really have not talked about this case and that the possibility exists that an alien or mutated virus could have been unleashed accidentally on the planet.

When someone suggests that perhaps a microbial life form could survive extreme conditions or mutate, it is usually laughed at because it seems that many people believe that conditions for life anywhere, including space, are narrow and rigid.

We are told that in order to find life on a planet, it has to be so many miles away from a sun, there has to be a certain temperature for life to exist, there must be water, and the air has to have certain components to keep the organisms alive.

We have been told this countless times, and yet the Surveyor 3 story is buried somewhere in the dust of the Sea of Storms.

While NASA and others assume that the tardigrades will die – it still raises the question as to whether or not these extremophiles will survive and what or who the contamination will affect.

During the years following World War II the Government of the United States was confronted with a series of events which were to change beyond prediction its future and with it the future of humanity.

According to the conspiracy theory known as the “Cosmic Watergate” there were events that took place so incredible that they defied belief.

The events were attributed to an onslaught of UFO reports and the menacing of humans by what were reported to be alien beings.

President Truman and his top military commanders found themselves virtually impotent after having just won the most devastating and costly war in history.

Even though the United States had developed, used, and was the only nation on earth in possession of the Atomic Bomb which alone had the potential to destroy any enemy, and even the Earth itself.

At that time the United States had the best economy, the most advanced technology, the highest standard of living, exerted the most influence, and fielded the largest and most powerful military forces in history.

But Truman knew that what he was confronting was an unknown and a mysterious enemy from space.

Now, according to declassified documents and papers filed by the director of the FBI, J. Edgar Hoover, between January 1947 and December 1952 at least 16 crashed or downed alien craft, 65 alien bodies, and 1 live alien were recovered. An additional alien craft had exploded and nothing was recovered from that incident.

Of these incidents, 13 occurred within the borders of the United States, not including the craft which disintegrated in the air. Of these 13, 1 was in Arizona, 11 were in New Mexico, and 1 was in Nevada.

Three occurred in foreign countries. Of those 1 was in Norway, and the last 2 were in Mexico. Sightings of UFOundefineds were so numerous that serious investigations through Project Blued Book took place. Many of the sightings and reports were debunked by the investigators provided by the intelligence arm of the military.

However, the debunking of each report became impossible utilizing the existing intelligence assets.

To keep up with the intelligence provided by ex-Nazis and the so-called alien problem, the Central Intelligence Agency was created on July 26, 1947. The Technical Intelligence Division of the Air Material Command at Wright Field (later Wright-Patterson Air Force Base) in Dayton, Ohio, assumed control of Project SIGN, Grudge, and Blue Book and began its work on January 23, 1948. Although at first fearful that the objects might be Soviet secret weapons, the Air Force soon concluded that UFOs were real but easily explained and not extraordinary.

However, there were many events that were then reported secretly to Truman about the mission of these extraterrestrial visitors and so Truman created MJ-12 to facilitate recovery and investigation of alien spacecraft.

One of the dirtiest secrets kept quiet by earnest UFO researchers is that an alien craft was allegedly found on February 13, 1948 on a mesa near Aztec, New Mexico. Another craft was located on March 25, 1948, in Hart Canyon near Aztec, New Mexico.

It was 100 feet in diameter. A total of 17 alien bodies were recovered from that two craft. Of even greater significance was the discovery of a large number of human body parts stored within both of these vehicles.

When this was discovered an emergency communiqué was sent to Truman.

Paranoia had kicked in and what was being covered up was that perhaps alien beings were certainly coming to earth to use humans for either food or for experiments.

President Truman created the super-secret National Security Agency by secret Executive Order on November 4, 1952.

President Truman had been keeping our allies, including the Soviet Union, informed of the developing alien problem since the recovery of the alien craft.

Plans were formulated to defend the Earth in case of invasion. Great difficulty was encountered in maintaining international secrecy. The CIA, NSA, and MJ-12 were necessary to coordinate and control international efforts in order to hide the secret from the normal scrutiny of governments by the press.

By the time Dwight Eisenhower was president, astronomers discovered large objects in space which were moving towards Earth. It was first believed that they were asteroids. Later evidence proved that the objects could only be spaceships. Project Sigma intercepted alien radio communication. When the objects reached the Earth they took up a very high orbit around the equator. There were several huge ships, and their actual intent was unknown. Project Sigma, and a new project, Plato, through radio communications using the computer binary language, was able to arrange a landing that resulted in face to face contact with alien beings from another planet. Project Plato was tasked with establishing diplomatic relations with this alien race of space aliens.

In 1954, a race of large nosed Gray aliens which had been orbiting the Earth landed at Holloman Air Force Base. A basic agreement was reached. This race identified themselves as originating from a planet around a red star in the Constellation of Orion which we call Betelgeuse.

They stated that their planet was dying and that at some unknown future time they wouldn’t be able to survive there. This led to a second landing at Edwards Air Force Base. The historical event had been planned in advance and details of the treaty had been agreed upon. Eisenhower arranged to be in Palm Springs on vacation. On the appointed day the President was taken away to the base and the excuse was given to the press that he was visiting a dentist.

Allegedly, Eisenhower made a treaty with the aliens.

The Treaty stated: The aliens would not interfere in our affairs and we would not interfere in theirs.

We would keep their presence on earth a secret. They would furnish us with advanced technology and would help us in our technological development. They would not make any treaty with any other earth nation.

They could abduct humans on a limited and periodic basis for the purpose of medical examination and monitoring of our development with the stipulation that the humans would not be harmed, would be returned to their point of abduction, that the humans would have no memory of the event, and that the alien nation would furnish MJ-12 a list of all human contacts and abductees on a regularly scheduled basis.

It was agreed that each nation would receive a visit from an extraterrestrial ambassador for as long as the treaty remained in force. It was further agreed that the Alien Nation and the United States would exchange 16 personnel each to the other with the purpose of learning, each of the other.

Exchange of technology would take place in the jointly occupied bases. These alien bases would be constructed under Indian reservations in the 4 corners area of Utah, New Mexico, Arizona, and Colorado, and one would be constructed in Nevada in the area known as S-4 located approximately 7 miles south of the western border of Area 51. All alien bases are under complete control of the Department of Naval Intelligence and all personnel who work in these complexes receive their checks from the Navy. Construction of the bases began immediately but progress was slow until large amounts of money were made available in 1957.

Much of this history can be found in what can be called “the yellow book” a book about treaties and “The Red Book,” written by the U.S. Government. It contains volumes of information we have gathered regarding our contacts with Extraterrestrial Life Forms. The first volume begins in 1947. The last volume was started in 2005.

According to conspiracy theorists, these books indicate that we have made many ongoing treaties with aliens since the 1950s.

In 2005, an anonymous source sent a series of emails to a UFO Discussion Group led by former U.S. Government employee, Victor Martinez. These emails detailed the existence of an Exchange Program between the U.S. Government and what were called the Ebens – alien beings from Serpo, a planet from the Zeta Reticuli Star System. The program was thus called, Project SERPO.

While much of what was claimed about SERPO had been challenged, there have been a number of spurious treaties and decisions about space that are rather interesting that need to be addressed.

The idea that we need space treaties at all makes you wonder if they are for those who live on earth or if they are treaties we have made with extra-terrestrials to keep the peace.

In October of 1967, a non-armament Outer Space Treaty was signed. The treaty sought to prevent undefineda new form of colonial competitionundefined and the possible damage that self-seeking exploitation of space might cause.

Soviet plans for general and complete disarmament between 1960 and 1962 included provisions for ensuring the peaceful use of outer space. The Soviet Union, however, would not separate outer space from other disarmament issues, nor would it agree to restrict outer space to peaceful uses unless U.S. foreign bases at which short-range and medium-range missiles were stationed were eliminated also.

The Western powers declined to accept the Soviet approach; the linkage, they held, would upset the military balance and weaken the security of the West.

After the signing of the Limited Test Ban Treaty, the Soviet Union’s position changed. It ceased to link an agreement on outer space with the question of foreign bases. On September 19, 1963, Foreign Minister Gromyko told the General Assembly that the Soviet Union wished to conclude an agreement banning the orbiting of objects carrying nuclear weapons. Ambassador Stevenson stated that the United States had no intention of orbiting weapons of mass destruction, installing them on celestial bodies or stationing them in outer space. The General Assembly unanimously adopted a resolution on October 17, 1963, welcoming the Soviet and U.S. statements and calling upon all states to refrain from introducing weapons of mass destruction into outer space.

The United States supported the resolution, despite the absence of any provisions for verification; the capabilities of its space-tracking systems, it was estimated, were adequate for detecting launchings and devices in orbit.

Seeking to sustain the momentum for arms control agreements, the United States in 1965 and 1966 pressed for a Treaty that would give further substance to the U.N. resolution.

On June 16, 1966, both the United States and the Soviet Union submitted draft treaties. The U.S. draft dealt only with celestial bodies; the Soviet draft covered the whole outer space environment.

The United States accepted the Soviet position on the scope of the treaty and by September, an agreement had been reached in discussions at Geneva on most Treaty provisions. Differences on the few remaining issues, chiefly involving access to facilities on celestial bodies, reporting on space activities, and the use of military equipment and personnel in space exploration were satisfactorily resolved in private consultations during the General Assembly session by December.

On the 19th of that month, the General Assembly approved by acclamation a resolution commending the treaty. It was opened for signature at Washington, London, and Moscow on January 27, 1967. On April 25 the Senate gave unanimous consent to its ratification, and the treaty entered into force on October 10, 1967.

Now, since then there have been many other treaties enacted:

To support the Outer Space Treaty, four other treaties were put into place in the 1960s and 1970s to support peaceful space exploration. These treaties (referred to below by their nicknames) are:

• The undefinedRescue Agreementundefined (1968), formed to give astronauts assistance during an unintended landing or when they are facing an emergency. States are told they undefinedshall immediately take all possible steps to rescue them and render them all necessary assistance.undefined

• The undefinedLiability Conventionundefined (1972) outlines considerations if a space object causes damage or loss to human life. Its first article says, undefinedA launching state shall be absolutely liable to pay compensation for damage caused by its space object on the surface of the earth or to aircraft flight.undefined

• The undefinedRegistration Conventionundefined (1975), drawn up to help nations keep track of all objects launched into outer space. This United Nations registry is important for matters such as avoiding space debris. (For NASA, the United States Strategic Command gives real-time updates to the agency if space debris threatens a spacecraft or the International Space Station.)

• The undefinedMoon Agreementundefined (1979), which gives more detail on the Outer Space Treaty for property rights and usage of the moon and other celestial bodies in the solar system (except for objects that naturally enter the Earth from these bodies, namely, meteorites).

• This treaty, however, has only been signed by 16 nations, all of which are minor players in space exploration.

There have been at least two major treaties and policies that are bizarre and can indicate that perhaps these are crucial deals that need to be made in order to keep the peace with so-called alien beings.

The NASA Policy Directive 8020.7G. The Office of NASA’s Science Mission Directorate has issued a Policy on Planetary Protection Requirements for Human Extraterrestrial Missions.

The policy states:

“The conduct of scientific investigations of possible extraterrestrial life forms, precursors, and remnants must not be jeopardized.

In addition, the Earth must be protected from the potential hazard posed by extra-terrestrial matter carried by a spacecraft returning from another planet or other extra-terrestrial sources. Therefore, for certain space-mission/target-planet combinations, controls on organic and biological contamination carried by spacecraft shall be imposed in accordance with directives implementing this policy.”

This policy also functions as a clear indication that NASA is already aware of biological contaminants leaving earth and contaminating other planets and the reverse where exobiological life could be brought back and destroy the biosphere.

So the question is why does NASA continue to contradict itself when it comes to the discovery of life in space?

In 2015, Barack Obama enacted the U.S. Commercial Space Launch Competitiveness Act, which in a nutshell allows for U.S. citizens to exploit asteroids and other space resources, but not the land on which the resources sit. While this makes resource hunting legal for U.S. citizens, some experts have said this could violate the Outer Space Treaty.

The new United States Space Command will officially be up and running by the end of the month, Vice President Mike Pence said at a meeting of the National Space Council.

The U.S. Space Command will be the militaryundefineds unified combatant command in charge of the countryundefineds defense operations in space. It will become the Defense Departmentundefineds 11th unified combatant command, alongside the U.S. Strategic Command, the U.S. Special Operations Command and other commands that serve specific functions or geographic regions.

Again, with the operation of space command, one wonders if we are again going to violate the outer space treaty by creating a battleground in space.

It appears that a cosmic sword of Damocles hangs above us and that it could drop at any time.

One wonders who it will affect, whether it will affect us directly or if it will signal some cosmic incident.