Billy Hayes
Ground Zero: Aftermath
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The Eye in the Sky is now a reality. Not only are we being watched, but we are also being heard and targeted from space. On tonight’s show, Clyde Lewis talks about the ominous electromagnetic grid or Space Fence with author and researcher Elana Freeland, along with former HAARP engineer Billy Hayes about ‘SKY LORD!’
Originally Broadcast On 8/28/2015

In a study published by science journal “Nature” in September, seismologists at the University of Tokyo found that large quakes such as those that hit Chile and east Japan occurred near the time of maximum tidal strain, during new and full moons, when the sun, moon and Earth align. They said the fraction of high-magnitude earthquakes goes up globally as tidal stresses rise.However, it is difficult to say that quakes are caused by other forces such as the gravity of the moon.In the meantime, something else happened that I thought was noteworthy as people were looking up in the sky and were seeing strange objects crossing in front of the moon. Of course, the press was quick to call them UFO’s, indicating that people were seeing aircraft piloted by aliens. However, what they were seeing were not alien aircraft because many people were seeing unidentified objects that looked like secret space war platforms.
Originally Broadcast On 11/29/2016