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Mike Bara

Mike Bara is a New York Times Bestselling author, lecturer, and TV personality. He began his writing career after spending more than 25 years as an engineering designer/consultant for major aerospace companies, where he was a card-carrying member of the Military/Industrial complex. A self-described “Born Again conspiracy theorist,” Mike’s first book “Dark Mission-The Secret History of NASA” (co-authored with Richard C. Hoagland) was a New York Times bestseller from Feral House in 2007. As an author, Mike Bara has written numerous books on various topics, including conspiracy theories, space exploration, and alternative history. He is also a frequent guest on radio and television shows, sharing his thoughts and ideas with a wide audience. In addition to his writing and speaking career, Mike Bara is also a hockey coach and manager, having worked with Team Canada and other organizations. He is also a triathlete and has competed in various events. Mike Bara’s work has been met with both praise and criticism, with some praising his unique perspective and others criticizing his lack of scientific knowledge and factual inaccuracies. Despite this, he remains a popular figure in the world of conspiracy theories and alternative history.

Ground Zero: Aftermath

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