Pastor Paul Begley
Ground Zero: Aftermath
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A recent headline read: “A Planetary Alignment Is Here. Now Wait For The Golden Conjunction” indicating that the planets have aligned to bring in the “Golden Age” – the New Age of enlightenment and judgment. This astronomical event could be a prophetic signal as we have been tol...

Artificial Intelligence has been used to reinterpret the enigmatic relic known as the Shroud of Turin to reveal the composite “Face of Jesus Christ.” This has happened before with 3D imaging but no one was trying to make it look this lifelike. Some Christians consider this a violation of the Seco...
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A recent headline read: “A Planetary Alignment Is Here. Now Wait For The Golden Conjunction” indicating that the planets have aligned to bring in the “Golden Age” – the New Age of enlightenment and judgment. This astronomical event could be a prophetic signal as we have been told to gaze into the heavens for signs and wonders. In the Bible, this is a prelude to the arrival of the Messiah while the struggle between good and evil will get a little more on the hotter side. We are told that in the end days, the sun will be as dark as sackcloth and the moon shall turn to blood – stars will appear to be falling from heaven and planet alignments are yet another indication of a structured and predicted apocalypse. Tonight on Ground Zero (7-10 pm, pacific time), Clyde Lewis talks with Bible prophecy teacher, Pastor Paul Begley about APOCALYPSE THOU – ONE SMALL STEP THROUGH THE CYCLE OF AGES.
Originally Broadcast On 1/24/25

Artificial Intelligence has been used to reinterpret the enigmatic relic known as the Shroud of Turin to reveal the composite “Face of Jesus Christ.” This has happened before with 3D imaging but no one was trying to make it look this lifelike. Some Christians consider this a violation of the Second Commandment or graven image blasphemy as society finds itself unsatisfied with religion as it becomes more of a dream than a lifestyle. The only way to give Christianity its spark is to bring about the eschaton and with the right technology, the Second Coming can be simulated and the New World Order could commence. Only the Antichrist-driven technocrats would render the image of the beast or the counterfeit Christ and use it as a tool for divine rite. Tonight on Ground Zero (7-10 pm, pacific time) Clyde Lewis talks with Pastor Paul Begley about RISEN.
Original Broadcast On 8/21/24

With rampant plagues, disease, extreme weather, demonic activity and other anomalous earth changes, it certainly feels like we are in the Last Days. Are the Elite using this as an apocalyptic blue print for greater control over the population? On tonight’s show, Clyde Lewis talks with prophecy teacher and pastor, Paul Begley about WITH THE FORCE OF 10 PLAGUES. #ExclusiveArticle for #GroundZero #WithTheForceOf10Plagues
Originally Broadcast On 4/29/20

A few months ago, the Pope and the Grand Imam of al-Azhar signed a declaration of fraternity, calling for peace between nations, religions, and races. They did it in front of a global audience of religious leaders from Christianity, Islam, Judaism, and other faiths. The Abrahamic Family House, a massive inter-faith structure will open in 2022. It appears the One World Church is coming to fruition and biblical prophecy unfolding. On tonight’s show, Clyde Lewis talks with Pastor Paul Begley about CAUSTIC GOSPEL – THE GREAT DECEPTION.
Originally Broadcast On 9/23/19

The world theater that culminates in the end times is a pyramid of sorts – a Holy Triduum where three major players come to one point in history and battle to the last man and woman. Rumors of an imminent war between Israel and Iran are starting to reach a crescendo. There are also growing tensions between Netanyahu and Biden over Israel’s increasing control over the West Bank. Furthermore, there is a bill being introduced in the Knesset that would outlaw telling people about Jesus in the Jewish state, and jail anyone who does. Tonight on Ground Zero, Clyde Lewis talks with Steven Ben-Nun and Paul Begley about HOLY TRIDUUM – THIRD WAR OF THE APOCALYPSE.
Originally Broadcast On 3/23/23

As we are coming upon a Blood Moon and Lunar Eclipse, the eschaton or the time of the end is being encouraged because the leaders of the world want you think that to end the world would stop it from becoming any worse. Everything happening all at once gives the impression that someone or some group wants to nudge God into wrath by bringing forward ritualism that places us in the end times—signs, wonders and the numbers make it eerily synchronistic. Tonight on Ground Zero, Clyde Lewis talks with prophecy teacher, Paul Begley and astronomy researcher, Dr. Sky about RED MOON DEAD PLANET.
Originally Broadcast On 5/25/21
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Welcome to another episode of Ground Zero Classics! In this episode, we dive into the topic of apocalypse and shifting from the gallows pole with our guest, prophecy teacher Pastor Paul Begley.
As headlines, news stories, videos, and even movies continue to stir up fears of an extinction-level event that will signal the end of our civilization, it’s important to understand the differences between climate, weather, geophysical studies, and seismology. However, these simple distinctions have been blurred in a way that requires a new scientific nomenclature where we can lump it all together.
Join us as Pastor Begley shares his insights on this topic and helps us navigate the shifting landscape of our world. Don’t miss out on this fascinating discussion!
Originally Broadcast On 3/4/21
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Welcome to another episode of Ground Zero Classics! In this show, we dive into the world of apocalypse and end-of-the-world fears that have been fueled by headlines, news stories, videos, and even movies. It’s easy to get caught up in the differences between climate, weather, geophysical studies, and seismology, but we believe there should be a new scientific nomenclature where we can lump it all together. Tonight, we are joined by prophecy teacher Pastor Paul Begley as he shares his insights on APOCALYPSIS – SHIFTING FROM THE GALLOWS POLE. Tune in to hear what he has to say about the end times and how we can prepare for them!
Originally Broadcast On 3/4/21
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One of the reasons mentioned for the October 7 attack by Hamas against Israel was due to the “red cows in the Holy Land.” The red heifers are now grazing at a secure location along the West Bank. Some Jews and Christians believe they are key to rebuilding the Jewish Temple that once stood in Jerusalem, and therefore, beckon the Messiah. Within the Book of Numbers, there is a command that the Israelites offer for sacrifice a “red heifer without defect or blemish and that has never been under yoke.” This controversial purification event may take place during Passover. Is this sacrifice intended to nudge God or is it the rushing of the Eschaton to aggravate the Abrahamic religions? Is it merely a historical ritual or a harbinger of end times? Tonight on Ground Zero, Clyde Lewis talks with Bible prophecy teacher, Pastor Paul Begley about RED SHED REDEMPTION.
Originally Broadcast On 3/15/24
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Why is there such incredible excitement in Israel right now? Because on August 28, 2018, “a perfectly red heifer was born in the land of Israel” and was examined and certified by a board of Rabbis. Furthermore, there is the suspicion that recent news about a red heifer being born is the product of genetic engineering. It is believed that the Temple of God cannot be rebuilt without the sacrifice of a red heifer. As we appear to be at the advent of the apocalypse, the Abrahamic faiths believe that their way of thinking should be the one true way at the time of the eschaton.
Originally Broadcast On 9/17/18
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