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Ralph Epperson

Ralph Epperson is an American writer and researcher of conspiracy theories. He is best known for his work on the Great Seal of the United States and his theories about a supposed “New World Order”. Epperson has written several books, including “The New World Order” and “The Unseen Hand”, in which he attempts to uncover hidden meanings behind the symbols on the Great Seal of the United States. He claims that these symbols point to a secret destiny for America and a conspiracy to create a New World Order. Epperson has been researching conspiracy theories for over 50 years and has developed a reputation as a historian, author, and lecturer. His work has been widely available on various platforms, including Amazon and AbeBooks. It is worth noting that Epperson’s theories and writings have been met with skepticism by many experts and scholars, and his work is not widely accepted as credible by the academic community.

Ground Zero: Aftermath

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