Richard C. Hoagland
Ground Zero: Aftermath
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Today, there was another congressional hearing about UAPs or UFOs. This time, there was more testimony regarding transmedia objects capable of traveling at fast speeds in the sky and unbelievable speeds underwater. The term for these anomalies is USOs or Unidentified Submersible Objects. In other...

The Draconians or the Dragons are a group of predators that act against humankind and are always sending warnings before they arrive. On October 7, there will be a signal from Draco in the heavens. The Draconid meteor shower will happen just after sunset on October 8 and originate from Draco the ...

One of the greatest questions of our time is: “Are we alone?” Are there other lifeforms out there, and if so, will we ever meet them? Or are we truly alone, hurtling through space on this rock that holds the only life in the universe? A study released Monday using data from NASA’...

The April 8 solar eclipse is being treated like the pandemic — there are striking parallels as the government is wrapping the totality of this event into a psychological operations package. The spectacle of watching the sun darken is usually pretty routine all over the world — here in the United ...
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Today, there was another congressional hearing about UAPs or UFOs. This time, there was more testimony regarding transmedia objects capable of traveling at fast speeds in the sky and unbelievable speeds underwater. The term for these anomalies is USOs or Unidentified Submersible Objects. In other related news, it appears we will know more about oceans in space that have not been explored as a mission to Europa is underway. There is a strong indication that Europa is actively regenerating ice from a global subsurface ocean. Scientists now suggest that Uranus and its five largest moons might have oceans beneath their icy surfaces, raising the possibility that these distant worlds could support life. Perhaps not only do extraterrestrials navigate space — they can swim too. Tonight on Ground Zero (7-10 pm, pacific time), Clyde Lewis talks with Dr. Sky and Richard C. Hoagland about ALIEN SWIM.
Originally Broadcast On 11/13/24

The Draconians or the Dragons are a group of predators that act against humankind and send warnings before they arrive. On October 7, there will be a signal from Draco in the heavens. The Draconid meteor shower will happen just after sunset on October 8 and originate from Draco the Dragon. There’s also a comet (Tsuchinshan-ATLAS) on its way and sighted in the area of the constellation Ophiuchus, which looks like a man holding a snake – it’s also referred to as the “Dragon Slayer.” Another recent discovery is a new mini-moon circling our planet and will continue hanging out in our skies until Thanksgiving week. Some surmise this asteroid could be a mini-probe, but where did it originate if so? Tonight on Ground Zero (7-10 pm, pacific time) Clyde Lewis talks with Dr. Sky and Richard C. Hoagland about DRACO – THE SECOND WARNING FROM THE DRAGON.
Originally Broadcast On 10/2/24

One of the greatest questions of our time is: “Are we alone?” Are there other lifeforms out there, and if so, will we ever meet them? Or are we truly alone, hurtling through space on this rock that holds the only life in the universe? A study released Monday using data from NASA’s Mars InSight lander shows evidence of liquid water far below the surface of the fourth planet. There is always that faint possibility that the scientists at NASA have found more than they will let on — and now it appears that space projects have somehow stalled. Could there be something else in the cosmos going on that the world’s governments are hiding from us? Tonight on Ground Zero (7-10 pm, pacific time) Clyde Lewis talks with Richard C. Hoagland about ON EARTH – AS IT IS.
Originally Broadcast On 8/30/24

Last week, NASA discussed reports about UFOs and how the various space agencies worldwide are intensely analyzing technological signatures in space. They concluded there needs to be a focused and serious investigation into what is being seen in our skies and whether or not we are being visited by extraterrestrial intelligence. Furthermore, a whistleblower formerly with the UAP Task Force just announced the US government had retrieved vehicles of extraterrestrial origins. Are we on the verge of the most extraordinary discovery in the history of mankind? Tonight on Ground Zero, Clyde Lewis talks with Joe Murgia and Richard C. Hoagland about UFO INTEL – EMBRACE THE SCIENCE BREAKING THE SILENCE.
Originally Broadcast On 6/6/23

NASA expects the asteroid, Nereus, to be at its closest point to Earth over a 20-year period on December 11. Asteroids and comets became bearded sea dragons and were used as symbols of looming apocalyptic doom during the Enlightenment Period. Today, we are met with a new set of narratives by the technocratic oligarchs – the blueprint of the Eschaton as the Greek mythological names are being revived in order to deeply program into our subconscious, the Old Ones. Tonight on Ground Zero, Clyde Lewis talks with NASA researcher and author, Richard C. Hoagland about NEREUS – THE DROWNING ECHO.
Originally Broadcast On 12/2/21

The Book of Revelation is the religious Childhood’s End – the Monolithium is the signpost conditioning of symbolism as opposed to substance. The monolith is a universal symbol of the Stargate – the connection between man and alien technology. Tonight on Ground Zero, Clyde Lewis talks with space researcher and author, Richard C. Hoagland about MONOLITHIUM.
Originally Broadcast On 12/9/20

The first mission in NASA’s Artemis program finally took the Orion spacecraft on a trip around the Moon – a huge step forward for the ambitious plan to bring humans to the lunar surface as soon as 2025. It’s also the beginning of the White House’s far-reaching ambitions for a permanent outpost there. Interestingly, new images on the Moon’s surface are showing glistening reflections from the Sun which is creating speculation as to what may be there now and that perhaps what we are seeing is a reflection of possible structures on the Moon. Tonight on Ground Zero, Clyde Lewis talks with space researcher, Richard C. Hoagland about DANDELIONS ON THE MOON.
Originally Broadcast On 11/23/2022