Ryan Gable
Ground Zero: Aftermath
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The annual Dr. Heldore session took place a couple of weeks ago. This mysterious egregore brought forth deep esoteric revelations and “hyperstitions” that must be carefully deciphered and interpreted. The names “Gwynplaine,” “Ogdoad,” and “Abraxas” were mentioned showing a pattern of how mythical...

The Olympic games have always been a high-ended spectrum of nobility, though it reeked of the body beautiful and a state-sponsored cult of blood. However, the Paris game’s opening spectacle last Friday was also an excuse to make everything a gay pride parade while sprinkling a few blasphemo...

The Royal painting that was recently unveiled of King Charles III has created a lot of controversy on social media. It was shown yesterday and people on the internet, and social platforms are polarized over the fact that the painting gives off an eerie vibe. The striking red depiction of the Brit...
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The 1920 movie, Algol, some say, was the forestructuring of how Nazism began—with one man who had the power to rule the world with high tech given to him by an alien, Prometheus that he used to build a war machine which could manipulate his followers. Now, the technocratic new age is upon us where we are being encouraged to plug into the Internet of Things. We are told that in the future technology will do everything for us. The way it will be done is through the algorithms. Tonight on Ground Zero, Clyde Lewis talks with esoteric researcher and author, Ryan Gable about ALGOL – IN A WINKING OF THE EYE.
Originally Broadcast On 5/14/21

Both Abraham Lincoln and John F. Kennedy’s historic assassinations can be seen in the quantum timeline as a scratch in the echo that transits a dimensional frequency. We have unwittingly given the cryptocracy free rein to influence those that became president after both Lincoln and Kennedy assassinations and you can say that the country has slid off the rails to the point of no return ever since. On tonight’s show, Clyde Lewis talks with Ryan Gable and Joe Rupe about SYNCHRONSPIRACY THEORY – A LINCOLN IN DALLAS IN WONDERLAND.
Originall Broadcast On 11/22/19

With newfound interest in the possibility of life on Venus, we must explore its intriguing connection to Lucifer. Ancient legends recount a miraculous event in the heavens when the great Lucifer fell, bringing with him other angels who now share his infernal domain. Conspiracy theories often find their origins in Biblical stories and ancient rituals, concepts that the secret rulers of Earth have long exploited in their designs for the end times. Tonight on Ground Zero, Clyde Lewis delves into this fascinating topic with esoteric researcher and author Ryan Gable in an episode titled “LUCIFER – SHINING A LIGHT ON THE CORNERS OF HELL.”

The Super Bowl encompasses commercialized religion, occult ritualism, and totemic worship. The conspiracy netizens have had a heyday since Taylor Swift entered the picture. Fox’s Jesse Watters aired a video claiming that “the Pentagon Psychological Operations Unit floated turning Taylor Swift into an asset.” Another theory was that because of Swift’s prolific social influence, this Super Bowl was going to be an endorsement for President Joe Biden, and, the system would be rigged for the Kansas City (Secret) Chiefs to win. This annual sporting event of gladiators relates to the dynamic aspect of ultimate reality and is a metaphoric enactment of war. It illustrates archetypes of heroes and villains while painting a picture of what is to come – an oracle of the future. Tonight on Ground Zero, Clyde Lewis talks with esoteric author and host of The Secret Teachings, Ryan Gable about SWIFT KICK IN THE BOWLS.
Originally Broadcast On 2/12/24

It is important to note that the 54th Superbowl was played on a day where the dates and numbers were most certainly synchronous with a ritual – the Second Day of Imbolc. As with every Superbowl comes the tradition of using it as an oracle and halftime is more ritual than show. Ritualism reinforces the concept of life’s meaning and has been part of our lives for millennia. On tonight’s show, Clyde Lewis talks with author and host of the Secret Teachings, Ryan Gable about SUPERBOWL 54 – SEE NO EVIL HAVE NO FUN.
Originally Broadcast On 2/3/20

So if we are to use Superbowl 53 as an oracle, we are now living in the 5th Age of Man and falling into a mass psychosis where we are slowly converting to technology which will do our bidding. There will be rumors of extinction events and even rumors of the antichrist coming to power as fire rains down from the heavens. We will then be survivors, always on the edge of extinction, watching it all come crumbling down.
Originally Broadcast On 2/4/19

There is a bit of synchronicity playing out as American citizens wish to storm Area 51 in September while in Puerto Rico, the proposed 51st state, people are now storming government buildings demanding their leader resign. Perhaps a coincidence; perhaps a well-planned psy-op and yet it should not be ignored for its potential repercussions here in the United States. On tonight’s show, Clyde Lewis talks with author and radio host, Ryan Gable about AR-51 – STORM HYSTERIA 51.
Originally Broadcast On 7/23/19

Everyone sees, interprets, and comprehends symbols that trigger a “synching” feeling. We also decide how these symbols and archetypes fit into our lives and guide us. In order to bring a deeper meaning and purpose to ourselves, we should embrace and learn everything about symbols, sigils, and secret alphabets. Additionally, we should understand the mathematics of chance and synchronicity and ultimately use these methods as an oracle of the future. Tonight on Ground Zero, Clyde Lewis talks with esoteric author and host of The Secret Teachings, Ryan Gable about PRINCIPIA DISCORDIA – SYMBOLS AND THE SYNCHRONICITY ORACLE.
Originally Broadcast By 8/21/2023

The three-day, $300 million, record release of Barbie and Oppenheimer was the biggest in three years. The trinity bomb and dream house were accompanied by the CDC warning of a coming tripledemic on Saturnday and Elon Musk changing the blue bird logo of Twitter, a symbol of pure thought, into an X on Sunday. The X is also found in both movies, as is the sigil of Jupiter and Saturn. A few days later, New York Times Magazine announced that COVID-19 had an unknown or X origin, making it the X-Variant. As UFO hearings were also taking place, #UFOTwitter became #UFOX. Shall we solve for X? Tonight on Ground Zero, Ryan Gable talks about SOLVE FOR X.
Originally Broadcast On 8/4/2023

On July 21, two movies open together – Oppenheimer and Barbie. Although they may appear to have divergent storylines, they will simultaneously gauge the current cultural temperature of America. The box office is going to show whether or not the country is willing to pay big money to get away into fantasy land or, the darker story of what brought us into the atomic age. Barbie explores themes of appearances vs. reality; of course, we live in a world of hyperreality and things are not as they seem while Oppenheimer is going to shake us into reality by showing us the power of what can be the end of civilization. The pink world is about to fade to black and who knows what film will win the competition for social engineering and predictive programming. Tonight on Ground Zero, Clyde Lewis talks with Ryan Gable about BARBIE – THE DESTROYER OF WORLDS.
Originally Broadcast On 7/7/2023