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Earlier this week, the Mexican president cancelled a landmark meeting with Donald Trump as their war of words over the President’s controversial border wall escalated.
President Enrique Pena Nieto informed the White House he won’t go to Washington next week after Trump told him “if he was unwilling to pay for the wall, he might as well stay at home.”
While the mainstream media is frothing at the mouth about this story, another story out of Mexico went viral and then it was immediately silenced.
A fleet of UFO’s were seen flying over the border in Tijuana, Mexico yesterday causing the border patrol officers to leave their posts to start filming.
The 14 minute clip showed a cluster of seven or eight shining lights hovering above the Mexican side of the border.
The lights at first looked random in the clouds and then moved into a formation.

Originally Broadcast On 1/27/17

Ground Zero: Aftermath

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