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The attacks on Israel by Hamas, which of course sent all kinds of shockwaves to those who may see this as a pathway to apocalyptic prophecy, also coincided with 3 earthquakes in 3 countries in 3 hours. Additionally, there was a series of lightning strikes in the Holy Land on Wednesday, with one hitting Gaza. It could be an eerie coincidence with some of these natural disasters but End Time experts have spoken a lot about the Gog-Magog war of Ezekiel 38–39, a prophecy that predicts a powerful confederacy, apparently led by Russia, that is destined to someday invade Israel. Some think that its fulfillment is even knocking at our door. Tonight on Ground Zero, Clyde Lewis talks with geopolitical analyst and host of Israeli News Live, Steven Ben-Nun about EKLEIPSIS.

Originally Broadcast On 10/9/23

Ground Zero: Aftermath

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