The magic of Christmas can only be truly experienced on a quantum level for it to be legitimate. No one knows where Santa Claus is at a particular moment in time which makes him a perfect candidate for some elementary use of Heisenberg’s Principle of Uncertainty. The superpositioning of Santa is similar to how an electron is “smeared out” within a certain distance from the nucleus of an atom, thus, he can be everywhere at any given moment. Moreover, the metaphysical insights expressed in A Christmas Carol correspond to a deeper understanding of quantum mechanics as George Baily and Ebenezer Scrooge are caught up in time travel through parallel universes. May your Christmas be full of joy and splendor in the mystical multiverse. Tonight on Ground Zero, Clyde Lewis talks about X=MAS SQUARED THE QUANTUM GHOSTS OF CHRISTMAS ALWAYS.
Originally broadcast On 12/19/24
Ground Zero: Aftermath
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