The investigation of monsters can be a broad and daunting endeavor. Although people tend to forget there are monsters other than Bigfoot that lurk in the shadows, some are explainable and we have nothing at all to compare them to other than the apex predators we have been taught to avoid. Can belief in something, individual or collective, make something real? While conventional thought says no it can be said that our beliefs can influence what is seen. There’s a new series on the Discovery Channel: The Lost Monster Files, that reopens the recently unearthed decades-old archive of famed cryptozoologist, Ivan Sanderson, to reinvestigate his most compelling unexplained creature cases. Tonight on Ground Zero (7-10 pm, pacific time) Clyde Lewis talks with field scientist, Charlie Menshaw and producer/director, Brian Kniffel about THE MONSTER WITHIN.
Originally Broadcast On 10/15/24
Tonight's Guests

Brian Kniffel
Brian Kniffel is a producer and director known for unscripted documentary projects like The Dead Files, The Mystery at Blind Frog Ranch, Alaskan Killer Bigfoot, and Wildlife Nation with Jeff Corwin. His most recent project, The Lost Monster Files, airs Wednesdays on Discovery.

Charlie Mewshaw
Charlie Mewshaw is an author, researcher and program host that has spent years researching the historical, anthropological and natural resource sciences behind folklore and legends of North America. His approach blends his educational background in natural resource science with technology, practical field work and archival research. Mewshaw has been a guest at numerous conferences and conventions, sharing his findings and exploring theories of the unexplained with an accessible enthusiasm that encourages discussion and collaboration. He is also the host of Arcane Carolinas, a podcast dedicated to exploring the folklore, legends and modern weird tales of the Carolinas’ backgrounds and byroads.
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