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Episode 86 – How To Succeed In Faking An Alien Invasion Without Really Trying!

If Oprah and Facebook said that aliens appeared over the Stupor Bowl this Sunday, would you believe it? Of course not, that’s foolish, right? We’re too smart to fall for something like that… Or are we? Society does seem to gobble up every story the mainstream sells it like it’s the gospel truth: 9/11, Osama, Kony, Sandy Hook – the list goes on and on… So tonight we raise the stakes and ask: Would THEY™ even need high-tech operations to make the masses believe in an invasion? Welles did it 75 years ago with aliens – but what if it’s even Jesus or Allah? Join Ground Zero With Clyde Lewis and learn ‘How To Succeed In Faking An Alien Invasion Without Really Trying‘!

Originally Broadcast On 02/01/2013

Ground Zero: Aftermath

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