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Transcript for 4/22/24: EARTH GUILT IS EASY W/ STEVE GOREHAM

When I write, and come up with ideas for shows, I sometimes get so involved with what I am doing I start to create a mess of unused coffee cups and mini bottles of Perrier Gatorade and Diet Coke.

My wife Janine will walk by on her way to work, she looks at my desk and reminds me to recycle the cans and bottles and try not to leave a mess.

Well even if I do clean up , I never fail to leave the table in disarray and I realize that I am messy. I like to think I am cluttered, but that doesn't change the fact that I have papers, and books, and all kinds of other stuff that I don't put away. 

So yes, if that makes me messy I am messy.

But I have researched this and realized that messy people are more the norm and those who are anal-retentive seem to be the minority.

We collect stuff, many of us hoard, and we leave behind all kinds of reminders that we have been in a room, or a park, or even the car tends to get cluttered from time to time.

Messy natures in humans are a sign of conflict within. Everyone more and more is becoming conflicted.

We’re rational and irrational, logical and illogical. Often all at once.

The pleasures and distractions of our mind work so often work in opposition to the desires of the spirit and will.

They say the creative is more cluttered -- and their minds send them ideas that they focus on rather than the piling up of post-it notes, books and beer can pyramids. 

You get the idea.

The problem is so often that we expect ourselves not to be like this and judge ourselves for being a totally normal messy human.

In the spirit of all the contradictions, when we embrace the mess and chaos in ourselves--we may find an awareness as to why we want our surroundings to be uniform in the first place -- all of us have to take inventory of our stuff. Sometimes we bag it and donate it -- or we just send it to a landfill.

We eventually do spring cleaning, we have garage sales, and other events where we swap and shop and make someone else’s trash into treasure.

That's how we humans clean up -- we just move our mess somewhere else-- but where does it go when it gets all trashed?

Well, it gets moved to a landfill where it gets buried, or it is loaded and dumped out to sea-- the earth is a big place to move all of the stuff left behind by us messy humans. 

Many people will tell you that we victimize the earth with our messes. They will get militant , and in your face about how we are making the earth our victim and how we are harming the environment -- they will ply you with Earth Guilt and remind you of the doomsday Climate judgment.

These self-proclaimed “naturalists” act from a misguided premise that humans are “unnatural” and somehow separate from the earth.

They will tell you that humans are the enemy and that we would be better off with fewer humans and more animals and plants.

So I wonder why they aren't volunteering to rid the planet of their mess.. they wish everyone dead except themselves because maybe they will leave a mess.

All living things use the earth, consume the earth, contribute waste to the earth, and manipulate their environment. Life affects everything around it.

Unless you have a calendar that highlights it – you probably wouldn’t care to know that today is Earth Day. I remember back when I was a boy scout how much we cherished earth day. Growing up with huge mountains around, and plush forests – it did the heart good to retreat to the trees and just take in the positive energy that comes from the forest primeval. 

In my community, we actually had events where we would clean up property neglected by the county, plant trees, and have hometown celebrations that reminded us of what God has blessed us with and how we should never take it for granted. 

Today, it is embarrassing to even mention Earth Day in the context of a celebration because it is so hypocritical in the face of so much advanced knowledge about how on one hand we have eccentric fanatical activists pushing a Climate agenda and the same unelected bearcats demanding that we keep sending weapons to outlying countries which are now being destroyed environmentally with bombs tipped with depleted Uranium.

 Earth Day bolstered Congress to pass: the Clean Air Act of 1970, the Clean Water Act of 1972 , the Coastal Zone Management Act of 1972, the Fisheries Conservation and Management Act of 1976, the Marine Mammal Protection Act of 1972 , the National Environmental Policy Act of 1970, Safe Drinking Water Act of 1974 , Toxic Substances Control Act of 1976, Endangered Species Act of 1973, most of which became the law of the land under Republican administrations.

I am sure that many progressives are surprised at just how cooperative Republicans are about saving the planet and the habitat and not experimenting with things like geoengineering, where carbon capture, sun dimming, and cloud brightening are happening now -- and where billionaires, experiment with insects and other animals to spread disease.

After a deluge of record-breaking rainfall this week, citizens of the United Arab Emirates and Oman are still trying to return to regular life. The storms forced schools, offices, and businesses to close, transformed the tarmac of Dubai’s international airport into a rippling sea, and killed more than 20 people across both nations. The downpour seemed almost apocalyptic.

While the ignorant would swear that this is evidence of climate change -- those who are aware of how scientists are tinkering with atmospheric systems are now stepping forward saying now is the time to speak up about geoengineering .

Early reports of the weather event prompted some speculation that it was worsened by a controversial weather-modification technology. 

The United Arab Emirates carries out hundreds of these operations every year to supplement its water resources in the arid landscape. 

They are cloud-seeding operations used to ensure some rainfall in the area.

Exactly how well cloud seeding actually works is an active debate among scientists, but the technique can’t produce rain clouds out of thin air—it can only enhance what’s already there.

The UAE’s meteorology agency said no seeding missions were conducted before the storm.

So we are to believe that this was a natural occurrence? Are they actually thinking that people will believe this?

Climate change fears are what is behind the deliberate influencing or altering of Earth’s climate systems. The claims that the planet has the potential of warming up, the more attractive geoengineering seems as a way to slow or endure the effects of climate change—and the less accurately we can predict its effects. 

Scientists can’t be sure that playing God with the atmosphere won’t cause human suffering, even if it is intended to alleviate it.

But they are doing it anyway --and it always seems to be the same players that have the billions necessary to experiment with the atmospheric elements, and destroy that soil, and create Earth's toxicity.

When they are through they have the influence and convenience of blaming the common people -- which creates an even bigger excuse for their efforts in the depopulation agenda.

The bottom line is the fight for resources. Resources that are literally seized by the billionaires to have full spectrum control of everything from the chip in your lawn, to the chip under your skin.

The Psychopaths of two or more nation-states decide to compete over some land or resources by sending in proxy armies of obedient young people to fight and die for their masters. After an acceptable interval the side whose surfs have died in the smallest numbers or who have held on to the most strategic territory will be deemed to have “won” and peace can be allowed to return, while the victorious leaders enjoy their spoils.

Military activity has significant impacts on the environment. Not only can war be destructive to the socioenvironment, but military activities produce extensive amounts of greenhouse gases (that allegedly contribute to anthropogenic climate change), pollution, and cause resource depletion, among other environmental impacts.

When the usual individual sees the ruins of war -- and devastated lands. The world leaders see an opportunity to build back better.

Warfare has remained insatiate, devouring cultures of people; animal species aplenty; densely contiguous forests; ancient coral reefs; entire oceans; ranges of mountains; masses of majestic glaciers; systems of rivers, brooks, streams and another watershed; hundreds of feet of topsoil; bee populations… the list is long and expanding.

I believe that it is such high hypocrisy for progressives to push sustainable goals to combat climate change -- while sending missiles and drones to countries like Ukraine and Israel. This indicates to me that Climate change -- is just like any other governmental scam -- a front for something nefarious. 

It sets a solemn cornerstone for a binding cult in the New World Order.

Earth Day used to be a day set aside to arrest abuses of the environment -- but now it has been hijacked by Climate cultists who are unaware of just how badly they have been duped into supporting war, geoengineering, and depopulation.

Earth Day should be recognized as a day where we fight back in defense against the very system of violence that is invariably destroying the natural places we rely on for our very survival, our sources of food, water, air, and relationships – the dominant political culture will devour this planet whole, along with everyone on it (human & nonhuman). You can count on that.

It is impossible to provide substantiating evidence proving differently. It is hard to break the news to those who see themselves as progressives -- but the war against the earth and resources is not being carried out by your silly MAGA bogeymen.

It is being carried out by those you empower and continually support. These are people who wish to sign over our sovereignty to world organizations that are willing to enforce some fascist health and surveillance matrix.

Year after successive year, analysis shows that there are more species gone, more preventable cancer rates ascending, and more ecological and climatic havoc caused to the planet by war machines and geoengineers.

Unless action is taken to reverse the trend of globalization and the latter’s ensuing planetary destruction, the next generations may not even have running clean water, or even air to breathe. 

Normal weather conditions will be rare, as atmospheric systems will and and are already being used as weapons.

Diseases will conveniently be released into the public through means of Gain for function exercises. The pattern should be discussed and seen for the manipulation that it is.

Are we just going to ignore the fact that right, when the pandemic narrative was failing along, came the first of a series of wars that miraculously picked up every aspect of that failing narrative and repurposed it?

If a world body like the World Health Organization, the United Nations and The World Economic forum and the CDC can mutually agree to lie about a pandemic and murder their own populations as a result in pursuance of their own interests, why do we balk at considering they might have started a war, or a series of wars and be murdering each other’s populations for the same reason?

Is it so hard to understand that it is just as easy for powerful individuals to all agree about how environmental catastrophes like Climate Change are the fault of average humans and agriculture all the while conducting wars that depopulate, and geoengineering that can also wipe out people with what appear to be natural disasters?

Since the pandemic all of the chosen psychopathic eco-gangsters get a total reprieve from interrogation, don’t they?

They see themselves as saviors -- and the ideocracy sees them as heroes.

If all you do is purchase one of those comfortable simplistic narratives and consume it, regurgitate it, you have little right to deplore the loss of life. In fact, you are potentially actively promoting the continuation of violent death by reinforcing the narrative that justifies it.

On Earth day -- the Earth needs tender loving care, to the psychopaths -- the earth needs blood. To the psychopath, humans are effluent used to spread all over the earth, a sick and twisted fertilizer for their spoils of war.

They want to you to weep over the slaughter but never ask why it’s being televised for you.

They want to sell windmills and solar panels, while they continue to darken the sun and lay down toxic chemtrails in the sky.

The waters are poisoned and what was once called the breadbasket of Europe is now the Dead Casket of NATO.

Globalization has influenced the upper hierarchy, while below, people and forests die and disappear. Ground water becomes toxic, and depleted Uranium can create stillborn babies and babies with microencephaly.

In the United States, every stream and river contains carcinogenic material. None of those talking points in the IPCC goals talk about cleaning them up -- all we hear about are promising jobs and more talk no action -- but yet it is being supported blindly by those who feel they are doing something to improve the world.

The rate of species extinction is presumably “10,000 times faster than what has historically been recorded as normal”; and there is a “trash vortex” the size of the continental US drifting in the Pacific.

It’s obvious that sustainable fishing plus putting a stop to using the ocean as an open sewer, especially dumping radioactive toxicity from Japan’s Fukushima, as well as ecological sustainable farming, as well as sustainable use of all natural resources is the only way forward, but it does not have a strong enough lobby.

Solar Panels and Windmills do. Destroying dairy farms does, Codex Alimentarius, wants us all to have a Flexitarian diet. There are movements against plastic bags and lobbies to force the use of paper straws. 

None of this makes any sense -- no one greenwashed can see that this is unsustainable and that is based on a whim and whoever has the money to push a Climate Fad. 

No lobby’s powerful enough to make a positive impact that’s meaningful for nature and its ecosystems, not enough to save the planet from proactive mega risks. Many NGOs support nature, like the Sierra Club or Greenpeace, nevertheless, widespread collapsing ecosystems are happening because of geoengineering and war.

Meanwhile, CEOs, shareholders, developers, and (obviously) private and national security forces inflict massive violence on citizens and land without any accountability.

People are dying because they are being starved, and being turned into refugees with bombing raids and phosphorous drops.

Do you think that when negotiations about weapons and war machines occur-- they speak about the environment that they rape -- and the people that they will crush?

It is so weird to see how the mainstream media can talk about this without batting an eye -- but would be more than happy to attack anyone who questions their Climate change narrative.

Where’s the justice? It is found in resistance to global corporate fascism and in defense of a rekindled love for the natural world we are a part of. 

We have truly moved into an age where the agenda depends on our human awareness of right and wrong to be easily manipulated into accepting “what is best for all of us” as we march to our own certain death. 

Be honest with yourself-- if it actually were about “what is best for all of us” we might have an argument, but it isn’t. It is what is best for them and whatever strange dystopia they are building.

it seems pretentious that a handful of people can believe they can save the planet.

Lest we forget what Earth Day was supposed to be before it was hijacked by the Climate Change Cult -- who need to be educated about what they truly support.